Sweet Daddy

I didn’t mean XTS, I meant XT4.

Due to some unfortunate life events, my wife and I went through a rough financial patch lasting a half decade or so. During that time, we procured a vehicle with the assistance of my step-father, it was in his name only. Nothing fancy, a Dodge Caravan I got for a good deal because it was 1 year old and had 45k on it

Hamtramck’s entire history is pretty interesting, in that it’s a little city entirely inside of the city limits of Detroit-

Whereas I’m obsessing over whether or not the plant with have an electrified grooved-rail transportation system for delivering porcine-based sandwiches to the workers.

A “ham tram”, if you will.

The Roxor and the modern Jeep Wrangler are not competing with one another

Pontiac is rolling over in their grave because GM had to “trim the fat” after the bailout. They’d take all of chevy’s leftovers and still make cooler cars than any of the other GM arms.

The blog, especially among its commenters, is left-leaning, particularly with all things Trump.

Perhaps it’s on me for expecting better critical thinking from Jalopnik, but I cannot possibly express how disappointed I am that this is the party line this blog is taking. Toyota and others are not taking Trump’s side per se, they are advocating for a single Federal standard for safety and emissions. If you fragment

If by Fugly you mean fucking awesome, then yes.

Gosh darn right (I’m trying to make up for dropping three F-bombs at work earlier).

This is the only correct reply to this new rule. My wife works in the Disability industry, her company specifically sells products for people with low vision and blindness. Blind People with trained Seeing Eye dogs are hampered by people with fake service animals creating a bad image. People with disabilities have it

It must be hard for your cat to risk it’s natural instincts to ignore/hate humans and claw the shit out of anything that moves when in a confined space...

Aren’t they all built here? Or was that rhetorical?

Reading comprehension problem?

From my understanding there is still a distributor involved in that loop. One of the local breweries here has a tour and they say that the beer they sell on site leaves their facility after it’s brewed and bottled, goes to a distributor, and then comes back. Yes it’s stupid, but apparently this is what needs to be

It will be Mx. Peanut, the first gender non-binary peanut-based mascot.

No, if Elon really wanted to help out purchasers in the states that are also banning Tesla service, he would allow authorized 3rd party repairs.

It blows my fucking mind. Such a ridiculous entitlement mentality.

I can’t actually believe that there are folks out there that are upset Oprah gave folks $30k worth of car.

I understand your point on unexpected expenses, especially for those without means.