Sweet Daddy

All the soccer moms by us seem to love the Traverse.

You speak as if all people in red states think and act as a block. You could make the argument that resources would be less dire a week from now if states where COVID-19 is running rampant would’ve taken this more seriously. It’s not the red states where this is spiraling out of control like it is in NY, NJ, WA, CA,

fun fact: the largest cities in Texas as all blue as hell. Officials in Houston have never once said this was a hoax and have been implementing measures for weeks. Despite what our Lt. Gov. said yesterday, our local officials are absolutely taking this seriously.

You might want to reconsider your position here. Where do you think your food comes from? Do you really want to discuss resources?  

I have owned a Chevrolet Bolt since July and I have already learned this: Level 2 chargers out in the wild are basically useless anywhere other than hotels and possibly commuter parking lots. They are super in your own garage, super at a Hampton Inn or light rail parking lot (assuming there’s are a lot of them) but

For reference, Rudy Gomert didn’t test positive for the coronavirus until March 11. By the time this ski convention ended, we were still under the assumption of two things:

...and even louder with with the Wheezing Eagle accessory pack.

Bro the hospitals can’t handle any gunshot victims right now cool down with these shots nephew

Dangerous lack of horsepower for that weight. Packed full of gear and people it won’t make it over a mountain pass. Should have stuck with the 1.5T or 2.0T

Here is the one that shall forever be grayed.....

Despite capitalism being far from perfect, it still remains by far the best and most successful system that has fed, clothed, and employed the most people in human history. It is the largest net positive to the most people around the world than any other economic system ever.

So you hate Capitalism because people are giving their own money to charity instead of the government taking it and losing about 90% of it before it actually gets anywhere useful?

They didn’t have to donate a dime. Yet, they donated 10M Euros. You found a way to bitch about it. STFU, you worthless twat waffle.

Hey Mike, how much have you donated?

Yeah said the same thing in a reply to the poster, but it shall stay in the greys because he won’t like the lowly peons calling him out.

So sorry for having a valid opinion Master Ballaban....

Came to Jalopnik today to read about car stuff. Left dissapointed that Jalopnik finds a way to bitch about someone donating money/resources, when the donating entity doesn’t have to do it at all.

There’s only one Electric GM product we care about.

Which means that they lost out on exactly Zero sales to you when they dropped the cars from their lineup. You said they canceled the cars you wanted to buy, but the fact that you chose a different vehicle over their old lineup just shows that you didn’t want to buy anything from Ford. They went from not having you as

They certainly won’t get out of the rut if the current Playmobil styling direction continues. Guess which one below is a toy, and which is a new 2021 Ford?

just shut up. You weren’t going to buy one anyways. Everybody on Jalopnik talks about how they would buy a brand new car, but only if the automakers sold it with their specific options, and then they use that as excuse to not buy a car they weren’t actually going to buy in the first place.