
Probably has a convenient bill of sale dated before the sinking where it is sold to a John Smith or Juan Vasquez 

What kills me about many fog light implementations these days is that they can’t be turned on independent of the headlights, which means they really are just additional driving lights that let others know your headlights are dipped.

FOUR strikes for Carolina Squat? Not strict enough

I’ve found that at stop lights a fun game to play with trucks that are behind you with blinding headlights is to use your power side mirrors to shine the light back into their eyes.

Burble ‘popcorn’ tunes are the worst. I love the various sounds cars make, I’m not overly sensitive to it and some sedated pops during upshifts adds a nice touch of character...But when it’s just popopopopopopoppop after every single downshift, it’s no longer music, it’s just pots and pans

Probably an unpopular opinion, but bumper height should be non negotiable as well as hood height. If you want to lift your truck, so you can’t see the bikes/pedestrians and small cars in front of you,  keep it off of the street.

“Burble tunes” are the modern whistle tip. You want your car to crackle on overrun, buy a classic, deal with its foibles and drive at a civilized hour. I feel the same about the brodozer across the street regaling us with barely muffled Cummins at odd hours.

Yes and common sense.

Any form os self adhesive speed equipment: louvers spoilers, spats and flares.

I blame the eggs!

Exactly. Why the FUCK would you want to make your head and taillights worse at the ONE JOB they’re supposed to do?!

Pop/Crackle/Gunshot/Dipshit Tunes.

I generally do not judge other’s taste in music, but when I can FEEL your music from two lanes away, and my windows are up, that’s just too loud.

Colored lights, anything not white, amber, red, unless it is for an official purpose like tow trucks, police, etc... And along with that stuff like underbody and wheel well lighting. I prefer automotive lighting to serve an actual function as there are already enough distractions along and on the roads at night. And

Two related things…very closely related. Jacked up pickup trucks are simply not safe for everyone else around them. They’re certainly not crash tested, and if they were, I’m sure the results would be horrific. 90% of them only see roads, given the super low profile tires they have, so I can’t see anyone making a

Tinted headlight and taillight covers. Yeah, I want it harder to see and be seen at night.

Last time I went to Shoney’s, it was on the way to a charity golf tournament and by the 9th hole, there was an issue.  Luckily, I made it through the hole and into the clubhouse.  Never went to Shoney’s again.   

Lifting a vehicle to the extent that its bumper sits higher than a bumper of a typical road-legal vehicle.  This makes the road significantly less safe for non-lifted vehicles since the lifted vehicles no longer have crumple zones to help absorb the impact.  When combined with large, wide offroad tires, it compounds

Any mod at all that reduces the drivers ability to see clearly (example: excessive lift kits), puts other drivers at risk (jacked up headlights that blind other drivers at night, LED light bars on while driving down city streets making it impossible to see if you are coming the other direction), and so on.

I honestly

Damn I miss Shoneys. We used to have one in town that had a 24hr buffet.