To think that I was alive during such an era.
To think that I was alive during such an era.
There’s the middle ground we can both agree on. I’d love to see the sequel dive into those grey areas more and offer a wider range of effects that can result from the various choices you make in the game. Rather than just two different possible endings based on several big decisions and hundreds of little ones, why…
Oh god please...stop. Stawp!
I know I’m not the first to doubt, but I think the current crop of VR isn’t going to be the sea-change some are expecting. The entry cost is too high (and for the two biggies, also dependent on having a high-end PC) and the games are pretty much banking on novelty alone at this point.
If everyone was able to put their replies in such a clear and consistent way there would be much less insults thrown arround!
The first day I found out about the exploit, I did it three times and found it about as mindnumbing as actually doing the incursion legit. If they take the gear away, that’s fine. I’ll just move on to other games in my backlog. Destiny has had several instances where you could cheese raid bosses and they had the…
Kratos was never a character I really felt good about inhabiting. He was kind of an asshole and all he did was shout and murder stuff.
So, are we really going to start down a road of making PC games exclusive to a hardware peripheral? So if you want to play any PC game, you’ll need a handfull of VR headsets and special controls etc etc all lying around?
I just bought the last copy of the last Vita game at my local Best Buy a few weeks ago. Since then, the section’s just been sitting there empty.
A smithed dick, as it were.
There’s another thing out today that has cool swords in it. I’ll be playing that instead.
I loved this game when it was first released, but my computer wasn’t quite powerful enough to run it smoothly, which had the unfortunate side-effect of making me occasionally slap the hell out of my baby tiger when I was actually trying to give him loving affection. Like, I’d make a nice gentle move with my mouse, but…
Kinda reminds me of #IDARB, though it wasn’t quite viewers -playing- per se, just them being able to influence the game. Another thought is “Keep talking and nobody explodes”, it’d have to be visually done differently since users aren’t supposed to see the bomb, but also would likely be too chaotic with so many…
He should sell his Get Out Of Jail Free card and use it to buy a “wandering monster” card to play when he’s about to get that level 10..
Hell yes. Sometimes you just want to play some Destiny/FFXIV/whatever else without having to talk to anyone.
Big thank you to Sony for finally adding this and a big F-you to those who rationalized the decision to keep this feature absent for so long. My PS4 will be getting a lot more use now.
Wiki says it was only the best selling entry in PAL regions. Regardless, it was a launch title for the Wii and a highly anticipated game, so I’m not surprised that it did well.