Same. Most I’ve had is 30k. I spend a lot of it, though.
Same. Most I’ve had is 30k. I spend a lot of it, though.
LFR, to me, is the best thing that’s ever happened to WoW. Growing up, I played RPGs. One of the most prominent things in any RPG is character advancement, particularly, stats. You need the best weapon you can get, the best armor you can get, the highest level, etc. Before LFR, you had to give up actual friendships…
I like LFR. I can beat the game while staying true to my IRL commitments. Once I have full LFR gear, time to just enjoy the game and not worry about having to gear.
Ah, sorry. I could have sworn that the Kickstarter page said it was going to be a spiritual successor. My mistake.
Pretty sure it’s their fault.
I’m sorry, but this headline is incorrect. It should read “Black teenager sentenced to 40 years in prison after killing a white man.” You have to include race, because reasons.
I’m in a weird money situation right now, too. I’m making more of it than I’ve ever made in my entire life, yet I can’t find a single video game that I want to buy. What. The. Hell.
Much ado about nothing. Typical.
That’s what happens when you put yourself on a pedestal that you don’t belong anywhere near.
No, it’s because Mega Man was good, and this isn’t.
The first Mega Man had a second chance. And a third. And so on. Mighty No. 9 will not.
It calls itself a “spiritual successor” to the Mega Man series, so, yes, it was expected that it play in at least a similar way. And it’s not even close.
What turns me off is the scoring system. Mega Man was never about scores (well, except the first one), and it doesn’t belong anywhere near something calling itself a “spiritual successor”. Basically, it discourages you from focusing on, you know, just playing the damn game, and the levels are set up in such a way as…
Graphics? It has nothing to do with graphics. In fact, graphics are one of the only reasons to buy this game. No, it’s the fact that they couldn’t figure out what made Mega Man fun (clearly), and instead, released this steamy pile, damaging the chances of anyone else coming out with an actual spiritual successor in…
For once, Sanic is wrong - it’s not better than nothing. Having nothing would be better than this.
Three years and 4 million dollars, for this? Color me impressed. Not just anyone can fail that hard.
Cars and knives actually have a primary use other than killing, whereas guns do not. Cars and knives are necessary - guns are not.
Seems like this has been a problem for a while, so one wonders why they haven’t, you know, done anything about it. It’s just bad business to let your customers suffer for your lack of initiative.
Well, it’s definitely a Blizzard game. It has cool characters, and is FUN.. But I can’t bring myself to play it for more than an hour or two before needing to go do something - ANYTHING - else. Dunno what it is. Just gets boring.
That’s weird, because I’ve only ever had 6 AI’s on the enemy team. Is there a slider or something?