
they like go home later and watch the cgi volcano vid with popcorn... this family is psycho

No gonna try and speak to your experience or anything, but I’ve seriously never understood this “vegan dictating their life choices to others” archetype as anything but a paranoid fantasy of people who feel somehow attacked by the personal choices of others which in no way affect anyone else.

I’m the cat asleep in the Amazon box

Taking bets on Amber Heard/Johnny Depp divorce countdown.


You know Giselle “knows” people who do wet work.

Whatever happened to that nanny person? She was everywhere and then she just went away.

Good one!

The “D” is for danger. Paul Danger Ryan. Danger is his middle name.


BRO prob.

u got issues

That dude is such a wiener.

D stands for Davis.

I remember De-nang. They had us pinned down with sniper fire at the 17th parallel. Oh, wait. You mean, get rid of the sniping husband stealer.

“BITCH LET’S GO TO FLORIDAY,” so we drive to Floriday and read tabloids by the pool all weekend lmaoooooooo.