
I took the quote to imply “color” dark rather than “and gritty” dark... Still, very interested to see how they pull it off!

Here’s hoping it leads to Marvel getting to introduce the FF into the MCU. It sounds like Fox was pretty desperate to get the show going, and with... not so great reviews coming for the new movie, maybe they’ll be looking to unload a bit to pull it off.

X-Men TV series huh? I thought we were kind of already getting that with Agents of SHIELD and the new, mostly-Inhuman Secret Warriors team. All I want from Fox is more Deadpool... it’s really the only thing they’ve gotten completely right so far.

I do know that he starts off with a kind of prosthetic, and I have a feeling it’s not the last prosthetic you’ll see.

psychedelic grounding

Doctor Strange will be dark and psychedelic

An X-Men show you say?

Sincerely excited for the Doctor Strange movie. Groove that mystic space jam up!

John Fogerty would be so fucking offended you think CC&R sang Sweet Home Alabama.

Thank you Jon, for being a voice of reason in a world that’s lost its goddamn mind.

This is damn good kinja.

Ima bout ta lose fuckin control and I think I fuckin like it.

....but...Kasich just defended how he expanded Medicaid in his State, saying that 10,000 mentally ill people sit in jail in his State and they need to be helped, AND HE FUCKING GOT APPLAUSE! At a GOP Nazi debate! Did this really happen or am I just too high?

I’m about to loose control and I think I like it

It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.

It’s like the assumption that all other women suck, and that the only people that don’t suck are guys. Internalized misogyny is a bitch, and I can tell you this from experience.

Mr. Nannieworth, Ms. Nannieworth or MRS. Nannieworth

This is fucking excellent, pro-level trolling.

Nanniesworth is my nom de plume, when I dress up as a butler.