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    I bet the producers of the next Avengers are already thinking of how to cut the budget to keep the team innovative.

    Am I the only one who thinks like this:

    The weird thing is that as the complaints come in, so too the want to buy - still.

    I was looking for the "buy" button... but then I realized I was slow. Slow = retarded.

    How about The Hurt Locker?

    "... apologised for the horror caused by the only slightly amusing mistake."

    Am I the only one connecting the dots here? Because - time machines!!!

    No "Inception" love? There has got to be one from that movie!

    This post got me excited. But it got me wondering if that's as layman as it could get? I mean not all of us are Science friends. But yeah I think I understood enough - but it was quite lengthy for a "layman take" on graphene, don't you think?

    C'mon guys. Imagine it this way: All those people in cars. Alone in each one. This is probably the best-case scenario. Let's scoot!!!

    I'll jusy leave these two letters here...

    I'll just leave these two letters here...

    Yup. Oh and by the way, sarcasm acknowledged ; )

    You just answered your own question. It has less people. (winks)

    Now it ain't a secret no 'mo, yeah?