There’s something distinctly homophobic about the level of hatred Buttigieg gets.
There’s something distinctly homophobic about the level of hatred Buttigieg gets.
I’m beginning to suspect there’s a lot of homophobia at work in the Buttigieg hate around these sites and comments. The man is more thoughtful and liberal than Biden, but has zero chance of getting the nomination at this point, or even acting as a spoiler from your precious Warren or Sanders. Yet he gets an outsized…
Well, this can’t be right. Every time I talk about how the game is deeply flawed from a structural and pacing stand point, I’m piled on by neckbeards who insist it’s a brilliant artistic choice and I just don’t “get it.”
Ok boomer
STOP! Just fucking STOP!
You said he broke the rules, as if that shuts down all discussion. I brought up the most famous example of civil disobedience I could think of to point out that sometimes rules are worth breaking. You call me gross for bringing her up.
If I never see Team Umizoomi again, it’ll be too soon.
Octonauts was scientifically grown in a lab for peak cuteness.
Ugh, no. Still haven’t forgiven them for Dubya.
Really dude? Even when I prefaced my comment by saying they’re not equal, you’re gonna come back like I was?
Some rules are unjust, and worth breaking. Not that the two situations are on equal footing, but Rosa Parks “broke the rules” too. It’s called civil disobedience. And while consequences are part of civil disobedience, so is the very real public backlash.
Arkham Knight literally couldn’t even play when they released it, but sure, 76 is the most broken of the generation.
Does the six month suspension still stand? Do your employees still not have the ability to speak out about human rights abuses?
Shit, given Flash and Arrow’s track record, by the end of the second season the number of people that know her secret identity will be in the double digits.
I find myself wishing for a speedster villain again. At least then they don’t have to manufacture reasons, or dumb the entire team down 50 IQ points so there’s a fair fight.
I kept yelling at him to remember the nuclear explosion he outran while that was going on! He didn’t even TRY to save that guy!
Butters definitely needed to be the A plot this episode, with Randy and Shelly filling out the B plot.
I’m getting concerned with how far they’re taking Randy’s deranged promotion of Tegridy. He’s always been a buffoonish character oblivious to the needs of his family, but they’ve always kept it from crossing the line of making him unlikable. He’s becoming downright abusive this season, and I’m not sure they can…