Surly Buddha

So you’re sticking with “deny reality” then.  Can’t say I’m surprised.  If you ever want to acknowledge that the definition of “deportation” changed, but the total number of people actually moved out of country went down, then we can move on to other questions.

Let’s see you acknowledge that you were wrong about the number of deportations before we move onto a different topic, eh?

I was all set to “big deal” this, since games build off each other’s ideas all the time.  Then I saw it was a literal asset theft.  That’s some shady shit, and I expect Nintendo’s lawyers will shut this down before we know it.

Yep, that pile of word salad nonsense did it. I know you’re a 4chan troll now.

I’m 90% sure you’re just a 4chan troll at this point, but:

Bold statement, coming from someone who refuses facts when they’re right in front of his face.

I’ve been having a back and forth with him on Obama deportations.  He’s either a troll, or he’s so far gone, he’s the leftist equivalent of a Trump voter.  Either way, there’s no getting through.

Did you even READ the Snopes article? It directly addresses why that’s a blatant mischaracterization.

Then you’re just another Trump voter, who’d rather stew in your own hate, than acknowledge reality when face to face with facts.

I guarantee you, every single person countering me here, saying she “stammered” or “wilted” or “shrunk” is exactly what I described: someone who already didn’t like Harris, and was waiting desperately to see her challenged on her record.  You’re imagining things, and that was not the moment your cop-hating little

You, Putin and Assad make 3.

People keep talking about her getting “destroyed.” These are wishful fantasies by people that don’t like her history, and wanted her knocked out of the race.

Cracker jack selective reading skills there, Ace.

Kinda like what the internet is doing to Marianne Williamson right now.

Good for her.  I can’t be mad if she knows the market, knows her limitations, and still manages to work a hustle around both that didn’t harm anybody.

He really does.  I don’t hate him like a lot of people here.  I actually quite like Biden.  But if you go back, and compare his performance at these two debates to his debate against Ryan in 2012, he’s a totally different person.  He doesn’t have it anymore.

It’s also a deliberate mischaracterization of what happened under Obama.

Artist’s representation of Biden during tonight’s debate.