I’m glad you’re confident. With some of the people I know in Portland, and the way sites like Splinter and Slate keep attacking Biden, I absolutely wouldn’t rule it out.
I’m glad you’re confident. With some of the people I know in Portland, and the way sites like Splinter and Slate keep attacking Biden, I absolutely wouldn’t rule it out.
I’m sorry... have you covered elections before? Nothing here was remotely new or unique for a stump speech. If you’re another child-blogger fresh out of school, buckle up because it’s going to be a hell of a ride.
A combination of thinking Oregon safe, and dissatisfaction with Biden because he’s not Bernie.
Fuck Jill Stein so hard. Anti-vaxxer (possible also Russian asset) nutjob.
Hey, did you know Republicans freed the slaves?
Hey, did you know Republicans are the ones that freed the slaves?
Portland is STUPID liberal. Like, Bernie-or-bust, liberal. Like, paramedics wear a uniform and a patch, so they’re as bad as cops, liberal. It’s unlikely, but not outside the realm of possibilities for a lot of our population to sit things out, if Biden wins the primary.
Cool. I can’t wait for it to be under produced, impossible to find, and be $50+ on the secondary market, only for me to ignore it and buy a bootleg Amiibo Card instead.
Durability could use some tweaking. Most weapons had the strength of a wet paper towel. And the insides of the great beasts all looked very similar, so they could stand to look a little more distinct. Other than that, it was pretty damn solid.
NOBODY thought Blair Witch was real. Yes, they played it up as a “real” found footage during the PR, but they also ran SciFi channel specials about behind the scenes stuff. Only children, and very “special” very “touched” people thought it was real.
I suppose it’s nice to have a season of Black Mirror where two out of the three episodes have positive endings
Because he’s a Christian and nominally a conservative, and in the liberal bubble of these sites (said as a self professed liberal), that is something that can never be forgiven.
Hot take from the blog writer.
While this was a good episode, I really miss when Black Mirror didn’t pull its punches. Black Mirror is supposed to be bleak, and nihilistic. These last couple seasons may have thematic similarities, with the pitfalls of technology, but allowing dignified and optimistic endings just ruin the entire Black Mirror…
You realize people have to consent to medical care, right? What happened here is a tragedy on so, so many levels. But if she was medically competent, it would be unethical to FORCE her to receive care she didn’t want.
I mean, it doesn’t make him look nicer or friendlier in any capacity, but at least it looks like something an actual human would wear. So in that way, yeah it’s objectively better.
On the other hand, it was explicitly designed that way to give rural areas more power, since Congress favored densely packed areas. Which is really fucking us over these days.