
I checked. Nothing at all in episode 2. In episode 1 John was in the row behind the rest of the Starks with Theon when Robert and company were greeted coming into Winterfell, but he had no lines and no interaction with Sansa. John wasn't even in the background at the feast because he was outside in the yard taking

Godzilla gets way more interesting if you pretend the whole movie is the fantasy visions Quicksilver has as he lays dying of his bullet wounds in Age of Ultron.

They can essentially do the same to a blu-ray collection at any time by sending out an update to the players that blacklists the old discs. Then all your left with is a shiny non-absorbent coaster in a plastic box that will never degrade. May as well pick a digital store you don't think is gonna die in the next 20

Yeah, when he first poured the leaves in the sleeping bag I looked at them and thought, "Are those just regular oak leaves?" and wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Buffy and Angel crossed over at a time when the shows were on different networks. UPN for Buffy. WB for Angel. Both networks eventually merged into the current CW.

OMG the ice cream scene. Just watching Kara in the background while the boys finished the discussion was the best.

Well, a child's melanin production is not a direct ratio of his/her parents' coloring. For example, 2 very dark skinned parents can have a lighter skinned child. It's genetics, not paint mixing ;)

Grimm works as a good workout watch. Put it on in front of you while you do 40 minutes on the treadmill or stationary bike. It's light enough of a show that you can still watch your speed/pulse/distance and not really miss anything important, but still get that distraction that helps the time move faster.

Right. When Monty was all, "Bellamy, what are you doing?" My first thought was, "Going undercover, of course, It's what he does now."

Yeah, 6 is much better now when you can binge it, but it was harder going on its initial broadcast run and first impressions count for a lot. Like I said though, the quality of those first 3 groups are all really close for me.

Hahaha… you think they don't… that's even more adorable. Take a tour around the nexus sometime. Cocks in every shape and size you can imagine. Nearly as numerous as the boobies.

Depending on how many shows are "must watch" for you it could be cheaper to buy seasons outright than maintain a $60+/month cable bill. Season passes are $20 - $40 usually. So you can probably buy 2 seasons for the cost of one month of cable. If you watch fewer than 20 - 24 different shows, buying digital is likely

That's non-plus, free Hulu. Paid Hulu+ is always 1 day after but is only for Fox, ABC, CW, and most(?) NBC shows. I'm not sure how they decide what goes on Hulu and what doesn't. For example: current episodes of Grimm, Heroes Reborn, and Blindspot are all on Hulu, but Blacklist isn't anymore for some reason (they

I think I'd rank it as: 1-3,5 Buffy > 1-5 SPN > 4,6-7 Buffy > 6-11 SPN
with the quality rankings being pretty close overall between the first 3 groupings, but the disparity between the last two pretty large… although I'm still happily watching Supernatural.

Right. Curtis tells that story and I'm thinking, "Well sure, fine for your brother, but as far as we know Ray's last words would be something like, 'Oh fu-AHHHHHHGGHHHHHH!,"

They were working with a variation of an established character. In the comics Jefferson Jackson was Ronnie Raymond's black friend who played basketball… yep, that appears to be the extent of his character there. So at least becoming the new Firestorm is a significant upgrade with potential to grow.

Probably part of the planet's brochure, "Did your warlike race recently suffer a defeat? Conquer Tivoli for that much needed boost to morale."

If you don't watch sports, it might be time to do the math. Hulu + network websites + season passes on the digital video store of your choice for things not on Hulu or web might just be cheaper and less of a hassle than Comcast. If you do watch sports, you'll just have to invest in lube for the continued butt rape

3 bags of crap. Happening, Airbender, and he directed and was at least partially credited for the screenplay of After Earf too.

Yes, but definitely intended to be a call back to Manhunter without looking quite so ridiculous by choosing the black stocking over the tan.