
Pretty sure you're right. After all, she would just be returning it to it's original owner if she does.

Totally fair reading of it. Sure Batman has used guns in the, but that has been long in the past canon-wise(barring one-off situations like shooting Darkseid with a god-killing bullet, and even then he aimed for the shoulder so he wouldn't kill the host). The current, most accepted version of Batman is a normal man

But he did include an overlong discussion between two idiots about a guy that fucks a goat. So you get the good Ellis and bad Ellis all in one go.

Yeah, pretty sure it didn't go that far. That's why he was on the floor and she was in the bed. TV shorthand for sex is you wake up next to the other person. Waking up in separate sleeping areas = "he was a gentleman."

I thought Kara was gonna get a heart to heart with Alex to explain she was pushing Mon El away because his mother was right in a way. He is the future of Daxam. If his people are going to regain their world and become better they need better leadership than his parents.

Although the fact that scenario was even slightly plausible at any point in time is part of why this might be my favorite new show.

It was Deadpool right? I mean Wade was obviously pissed about his movie getting snubbed on a nomination. It all makes sense!

I think the idea is killing in the heat of battle is one thing, but executing a defeated opponent is a step too far. One is self defense and an acceptable/inevitable consequence of violence for our heroes*. The other is a merciless murder where one is overstepping by playing god/final arbiter of justice. Like

Yes, I was totally in the same camp. The frequency thing, the Spinal Tap reference and Cisco's interrupted statement about it being one of his favorites. The awkward comedy that will be had if the pull the trigger on that… Do we think this show would actually have a discussion on if banging your rule 63 dimensional

Prior to (allegedly) offing Rival, Alchemy technically hadn't committed a crime. There's no law that says you can't telepathically communicate with others in order to meet with and grant them the knowledge and powers they had in an alternate timeline. Alchemy is just practicing his religion of bringing the word of

Most of the Hosts that follow the Shade religion seem to be very minor bit players; basically just background crowd, almost totally anonymous NPCs. Hector knows of it, but isn't a follower. As long as they keep to their story lines, a rarely repaired or interacted with Host can probably develop whatever crazy

Yeah but it also makes him a huge douche and the worst person to be someone's intro to gaming. Like the guy that goes, "No you're doing it wrong. Give it to me," when you're trying to learn the controls. If this were a video game, Logan's attitude would have made William throw down the controller and quit on day

No wonder Logan didn't want to be a white hat. That would basically make every good guy quest an escort mission <shudder>.

Money is probably the answer there. It was a weighted system and the rich would have been the ones to start at 4.5+ rankings(which is why it's weighted, because they rigged the game just like the rich always do). Money was still a major influence since Howard's character could still get into her dream apartment with

Mylene's true parentage is super obvious, especially when paired with Papa Fuerte's way overly invested for an uncle interest in his "niece" in earlier episodes. You could call it subtext but it's kind of hard to hide a sub that big in a kiddie pool. It adds an additional layer to Pastor Cruz's attitudes toward

And potentially this spoiler already happened in the comic if it winds up being Glenn. Although really that does not matter. Abigail's point still stands, the act of reporting the spoiler is not something that should be claimable as a copyright violation. AMC is full of shit and is abusing the DMCA. Unfortunately

And a storm, which was kind of important, and it's omission means the resolution to things in the show will either be completely different or make a little less sense.

Since it looks like Ratwater's hanging tree and Cassidy's burial spot are the same, I'm leaning toward this season ending with parallel massacres across time in both versions of the town with our friend from 1881.

Considering how the New 52 turned out and is already having another (soft) reboot right now, how is that any different than DC back then?