
Possibly, but if it last for more than 4 hours call your doctor.

Umm, hi he's Wade Wilson, but after a horrendous medical experiment turned him into a walking tumor with mad murderin' skillz and a healing factor that don't quit, he started going by the name of Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth, have you met him?

Agree. Watching this on NBC's website I noticed how much the sub placement seems to move around compared to other shows and even movies. It sure seems like they are placed with a purposeful thought for composition as they often draw your eye toward the subject of the scene instead of forcing you to look down at the

Eh… in 5 years everything will be on every streaming service because they will all offer mostly the same payment model to the artists and relatively same subscription plan to the customers and everyone will look back at 2015 and go, "Man, we were some stupid assholes back then weren't we?"

The rumor is WB only gave IG 8 weeks to port what is a ginormous game so they could have simultaneous release. Between the hugeness of the game, the tight deadline, and the tiny team of around a dozen people, there was zero chance of a quality port. Add to that Nvidia's game breaking, ironically named Game Works

Yes, but without the yellow/brown filter. We deserve our flying, fanged vagina's bright red with a blue glowing center like Satan intended.

I spent the entirety of AOU with a big dumb grin on my face enjoying every minute… yes even the farm house stuff people whine about. It had plot issues and character work that got lost on the cutting room floor, but I don't care. It was fun. Should Marvel aspire to be more than just fun? Of course. Is it an utter

Yeah, and it feels like this review was actually written 3 weeks ago since current Iris is a noted improvement now that the dumb "lie to her to protect her" plot is done. There is still a long rehab road to go, but they have put her on the right path.

Also take into account Sheldon's upbringing. He may not be godfearing like his mom, but I bet he took ideas regarding premarital sex to heart. He's saving himself for the wedding night but probably doesn't realize he needed to explain that belief to Amy.

They had the Ant-Man trailer at the showing I went to. Guy behind me goes, "That looks stupid," then the Pixels trailer comes on and same guy goes, "I gotta see that." Seriously?

We had the Ponderosa and the Sizzler right next door to each other. It was a long and bloody war, but in the end Sizzler's excesses of choice were felled by Ponderosa's smaller but more specialized buffet. Still, the Ponderosa never recovered fully from it's wounds. It limped along for a few more years, remembering

He used to be a vigilante like Oliver, but then he took an arrow to the chest…

First one is the weakest. Almost like a proof of concept for the follow ups. 2 is a huge improvement on the pacing and story telling front. Having an actual over-arching antagonist helped immensely.

Borderlands 2. Ellie.

CBS generally doesn't same-season-Hulu and they usually have an 8 day wait on new episodes on their web site and apps. So people that want to watch it (or pretty much any other CBS show) online within a decent period from airing but don't want to pay per ep are left with torrents.

To be fair he also parts his hair the other way, wears baggy clothes that make him look overweight and slouches. It would totally work on people that have never met "both" men or seen them up close. Why it works on his friends and co-workers…. obviously Supes drugs their coffee every morning.

Yeah. As soon Burke makes a move for his gun go into VATS and shoot him in the head. You'll at least cripple and aggro him (if not decapitate him) so he doesn't get a chance to shoot Simms.

Yep. So the answer to "Why reboot Underworld?" is, "Because someone wrote another vampires vs werewolves story and we don't want to renegotiate the license."

Nah, the Big Bad of Season 6 is bad feels :~( Everyone's inability to deal with their issues causes all the problems that season. Willow's addiction issues, then her grief. Xander and Anya's insecurities. Buffy's resurrection induced depression. Spike's literal inner demon. Even the trio only became the bad