
I think that was part of his point. Nobody gave a shit what he got arrested for 5 minutes after it happened, but to this day everyone treats Gibson like a pariah because of the racist comments. Breaking the law causes less social stigma than simply being a dick even though being allowed to say douchey things is a

I'm thinking Bran is going to work as a stalling tactic/flashback factory. Hey look, young Jaime's backstory… oh there's how Ned met Howland Reed, and now there they are finding Lyanna bleeding out and confirming/debunking that famous theory… oh and let's see that Mad King burning Starks… and then young Jaime

It was, but I think that falls into the same weird spot as Firefly. It had enough of a cult following that the studio thought they could make some profit off of it and if not, write it off and enjoy the slow trickle of home video sales.

"My name is Oliver Queen. After about a couple years on a hellish island and 2 or 3 more bumping around Hong Kong like James Bond until I was put back on the island again for plot reasons…."

They don't need to because Sheldon's mom already had him tested….

Oh that entire scene I was like, "Jesus, Doc, haven't you ever heard of HIPPA?"

Much love for Thea, but my god… "blah blah secrets and lies!" Did someone slip in some leftover Lana Lang lines from old Smallville scripts? I just wanted her to buy into the "Dad chose you," stuff so we could finally move past that crap. Logic or true human emotions be damned.

No worries. The relative strength of a characters innards is directly proportional to their story importance.*

I hope it's a fake out and Fitz is actually more worried about their FitzSimmons team thing and not actually jealous in a romantic way. They've always had more of a bickering siblings vibe than a "Fitz's unrequited lurve" thing.

So the country's safety is in the hands of a sociopath who's only friends are an all-seeing AI and an ex-black ops assassin? Eh, not much different than the old guard.

There's also that the whole framing of the show means you can take Barney's escapades as complete exaggerations/lies. Not only from Barney, but from future-Ted as well since he as been shown to be an unreliable narrator at times.

Based on comic history, it's not too far out there for Deathstroke. Slade turns Thea into Arrow's version of Terra?