If you haven’t seen this, you should. He also does an interview with Conan and it’s funny as hell.
If you haven’t seen this, you should. He also does an interview with Conan and it’s funny as hell.
Whoever cooked up Subaru’s “Forester Ultimate Customized Kit Special edition” for the 2020 Singapore Auto Show was…
When I, a white woman, try to talk to white people and tease about cultural preferences or behaviors that we have, I seldom get anyone joining the fun. My husband and I have a great time proclaiming, “White people just love this shit” even when I love that thing. I can’t even use good natured humor to get fellow white…
White people are weird, they weird out other white people!
tech generations, in my experience, have especially made every restriction on them (just or unjust) a challenge of “how can I still do the thing.”
This is fucking child abuse.
I’d just tell him that she’s not required to disclose any of her private health information to anybody else. It’s standard practice if a patient’s parent accompanies them to the health visit, past age 11 or 12 or so, to ask the parent to step out of the room to discuss issues that they may not want their parents…
I lived in CT from August 2005- March 2019, and I can confirm this! Same goes for Upstate NY.
I’m considering moving to CLT next year after my lease is up, I’m currently in NYC. Any suggestions/words of advice/caution I should consider while making my decision?
All good points! My best friend worked in an administrative role for the city of CLT while HB2 was going down and they were so horrified. I think they might have even been at the meeting where everything went down. I don’t miss the obvious racists at all.
I lived in North Carolina for many years as a teen and young adult. It is a nightmare state, legislatively and culturally speaking, and this story doesn’t surprise me at all. (It’s physically a beautiful state and some of the people are great, but I will never live there again.)
Testify. And the reason we will have to eat the rich, why there is class warfare, is because these motherfucking plutocrats will not budge. They will not merely be rich, they have to hold on to all of it at all costs to the point where the bulk of humanity is being crushed. Ev…
Joe Biden by way of Dropkick Murphy’s
I am an English teacher and all the books we use are just me pushing my radical socialist agenda of treating poor people with like humans, caring about the environment, and questioning the relationship between wealth and power.
Why are we still trying to make fetch, I mean Biden happen? How much more evidence do we need that we need to move on. 45 will have a fucking field day with his doddering ass. Record players? My wife was a teacher, have some sympathy? Slavery = Venezuela somehow? He was all over the fucking place. He should not be…
First off, the answer to how you fit such a monstrous sandwich into your mouth is that you mash that sucker into your face with no pretense of dignity and hope for the best.
We’re all introverts, we need something going on to fill in the awkward pauses in the conversation. ;)
My rule is: If a man knows how to behave in a strip club he knows better. Period.
It’s easy to tell the difference between “I like your dress,” and “I like [your body in] your dress.”
Or Boston.