
If humanity needs to hear the grave warnings of climate change from a man in order to save the planet, fine.

One other way it could have worked: Thor could have been entirely nude, it could have been in slow motion, and it could have been 45 minutes long.

Whedon was cinematic? Avengers looked like a TV movie, and the only thing that changed with Ultron was the aspect ratio.

Yeah, a patched, busted Iron Man suit would have been interesting. And maybe also driven home the point that Ultron is a byproduct of Tony’s fear and ambition run amuck?

Elizabeth Olsen’s shaky Natasha voice might be the worst accent I recall being used in a major film.

I rewatched Avengers 1 and 2 yesterday, and even if it doesn’t quite reach the heights of 1, Ultron is still one of my favs. There are a lot of plot points that are glossed over too quickly, like the creation of Vision, and I wish we’d gotten to see a Director’s Cut that fleshed out those things better. But there are

I stand by my belief that this movie should have just been 2 hours of the party at the beginning.

You really think AoU is better than Civil War or Infinity War?

That’s because the show is now written by TV writers, not a “writer’s writer”. And it shows. These guys write to film a TV show. Martin wrote for writing’s sake. When you are not worried about time and how many lines each character gets, you can give write a soliloquy that gives the talent the chance to shine for the

Limp-wristed contrarianism is his raison-d’etre.

The only Iron Man movie I liked. This makes me an MCU social pariah. I also thought Black Panther was overrated. 

I am admittedly completely in the tank for Shane Black as a writer/director but it was my favorite stand alone Marvel movie up until the recent run of Ragnorak/Homecoming/Black Panther, and the part where he’s hanging out with the kid in the middle of nowhere without his suit is still my favorite stretch of any of

I frequently cite the Air Force One rescue sequence of Iron Man 3 as one of the best superhero moments on film.

The hero is given a problem and a time limit. He (and we) are explicitly told that it’s literally impossible for him to succeed and to save everyone. And then, using his unique gifts, he saves them all

It also helps that Ben Kingsley is fantastic in that role.

Iron Man 3 is the best of the IM series. I understand why it might not be someone’s favorite, but I don’t really understand the ire it got beyond maybe what they did with the Mandarin. (The Mandarin in Iron Man 3 is a far better use of the character than if they had played the character straight). 

Iron Man 3 was great, I hated Iron man 2 so much and this movie was such a nice step in the right direction.

I love it, too, because of what an 80’s buddy action film homage it is. I really love the middle stretch where Tony has to get by without his suit.

When I was a middle schooler, I had this thought. Wouldn’t it be cool if Bruce Wayne had to save the day as Bruce Wayne? Like he got stuck in a Die Hard or Speed situation and couldn’t get to his suit for some reason and he has to reveal himself as the bad ass he is or people die?

(Although Civil War hedged its bets even within the film itself: The final voice message from Steve to Tony is basically an assurance that their falling-out isn’t such a big deal, and he’ll see him the next time the planet’s in peril.)