. .

Heh. This is the zeitgeist of the British business 80s and 90s.

The part around 35:00 where the guy talks about being “absolutely shattered” when he gets an Austin Maestro instead of a Vauxhall Cavalier, and the staff comes out to make fun of him, and his wife is crying when he gets home... damn. Just damn. That’s some raw, ugly humanity.

Road, Safety, and Registration rules are put in place to keep everyone on and off the road safe from 2 ton metal boxes capable of 200km/h, and the folks who drive them.

OMG an intelligent person responds, thank you! This is not sarcastic by the way!

It looks more like he was trying to gun it past him so the kid couldn't trying and throw a helmet at him or reach into the car or some stupid shit like that that has happened before at races. The kid was moving closer and closer so when Tony gunned it and the kid was too close he got caught by the back tire. He

#5 "WHY GOD WHY did Suzuki put it in the glove box on older Vitara SUVs?" Simple, because it was behind a lockable glove box. Think convertible. Think.... :) Stopped in 1999 for some reason, even though the new body style had a 2 door convertible for a while.

I dunno if I agree on the windshield wipe deal. What I love about my old Benz is that the engineers clearly only wanted the car to have 2 stalks: 1 for cruise control, 1 for everything else.

VOTE: Origin.com

Your characterization of TPB as a "source" is completely and definitively false. Games are a luxury, not an inalienable right. You're not entitled to play all games for free. Is the game too expensive? Wait for a sale. That game you're looking at will be $5 soon enough. Is the game not worth the sale price? Then don't

did you ever think that we care so much about our cars because we just like them?

So you're bascially being a whinybitchfanboi because the art department, in a fantasy movie made from a fantasy graphic novel, wasn't historically accurate about the car chosen to represent someone in this "fantasy alternate universe" who was decades ahead of his time and his contemporaries?

Here it is. He sent this, and another one, which was signed by everyone on the 22Cans team.

Peter Molyneux is crying. I’m not sure how to react to this. Legendary game designers don’t often get emotional with

I don't see a single mention of the car's brevity in achieving said speed. The quietness with which it accelerates is the sole focus of your article. If your point was to comment on the amazing acceleration of a P85 Model S, it's poorly written.

Duh? The same thing applies to a Nissan Leaf or Cadillac ELR. But I guess those cars aren't on the current media manifest of companies to constantly praise in headlines.

Whatever, it's cool. Good luck Matt.

Well, it was nice commenting with you guys.