What size tin foil hat do you wear?
What size tin foil hat do you wear?
The filming was fantastic. I don’t know how they did such a great job in the era before Go-Pros, but they highway filming so natural. A Where Are They Now would be awesome.
I feel like a car that is commonly found as a taxi here in the UK isn’t quite as Jalop as it might appear on the other side of the Atlantic. But I appreciate the Platinum card!
Even their musical taste is Patrick Bateman-esque. It’s all soulless middle of the road stuff that you can tell they only listen too because they think it’s expected of them.
http://blipshift.com/ Please make this happen....
At the other end of the spectrum, many M and AMG cars are also ordered with badge delete.
I can kid myself all I want, I own an AE86. Anything above a 1.6 liter NA Miata is a Hypercar in comparison. A 320i has 68 horsepower more. You kids today with your overpowered everything....
Cinematography for this was absolutely wonderful. I’m glad someone else noticed.
Great filming and great sound, seriously. The natural shots they got of everyone getting in and out of their cars were great. There needs to be a Where Are They Now.
“...Puts American Psycho to Shame”
My dad used to have a Maestro, crying is the right response
If I were to receive a Maestro as a company car, I’d fall into an eternal state of despair.
...and you’d be so very, very wrong...
I drive a company vehicle, an AWD Equinox. Our company has dozens of them. I missed being able to get a GLK 250 by a month. If I was one of the people in this film I’d have jumped off an overpass.
You should have been more thrusting.
These guys are all tools, but to be fair, most humans are vain to an extent. It’s why Polo puts a horse on their shirts and BMW now puts the M logo on everything it will fit on. We’ve all been guilty about it at some point. The BBC just did an excellent job at finding the most extreme examples possible. I wonder how…
At 29 minutes the dude basically predicts Dieselgate.
This is the greatest thing I've seen all day. Hard to believe that it's not a parody.