. .

Akerson was CEO and Chair.

I haven't burned anyone at the stake. We're you or anyone in your family actually burned at the stake? Or are you claiming victim for something you have no experience with for an atrocity me nor my family have ever committed?

Persecution complex? No. I just know what the intent was and in what spirit this post was created. It wasn't like io9 was like "here's the schools that still teach creationism, isn't it cool how we all get along and respect each others beliefs?"

I love how I'm being called brainwashed by a person with the screen name "twerklikemiley". I don't need your pity. And your condescension is wasted on me as I still don't feel inferior to you in any way. You didn't bother to ask what I meant, you just rattled off your assumptions about what you guess are my beliefs on

I'm a little disappointed that io9 has taken an opportunity to create a witch-hunt against people of faith such as myself.

"Chevy Cruz, Cruze Diesel, Ford Fiesta, Focus, Chrysler 200"

There i fixed the nose for you....

Wait what....?

I prefer it, actually.

This one. Period.

It's been a good day! Thank You!

Other than that techno wonder, everything is premium, exactly as you'd expect. I do have two quibbles though. The center stack is loaded with buttons, which feels kind of archaic. The gauges also look really old, which is strange for a company that builds the tech obsessed S-Class.

Both of you have some learnin' to do about BM. They do a reverse grid based on qualifying lap times, hence the order you see at the start. Hence why the ISF passes the slab of bricks known as the G, and the M3 passes them all at the end. Jalop should really be posting BMI videos so we can at least see the

I'm not big on god myself, but please kindly shut the fuck up.

I fail to understand how someone else's desire to feel a modicum of comfort and control over a situation, where there is little, is such a bad thing. You say that the only thing that it does is make the prayer feel better, but why is that not enough of a reason?

The goody good religous do gooders forgive you for being a douchebag at this moment.

That's just heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers are with Michael and his family.