. .

There's actually a little more to this. While I agree this law goes to far - these compartments are in fact basically only used to traffic drugs.

when i had a job as an xray tech aide at a local hospital, one of the techs was this scary looking biker guy. He made it a point any time someone started acting bro-ish and aggro toward the women he worked with to take that person aside, close the curtain, and tell them "i used to fuck guys like you in prison". This

I absolutely do NOT want to see more articles like this. They're pure flamebait.

I think all the DLC content from GT5 is included in the GT6 base game, no hassle. At least, I know some of it is (Motegi, Spa, Test Track, Aventador, Spec Miata, Karts, X2011), but I haven't literally checked for everything. You will have to buy the cars again in-game though, they won't be sitting in your garage for

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

Teeheehee... "Call of doodie"

I do not "support the WBC" and I am confident in that Borsuq was not attempting to show support for their actions either. However, I do support their right to say the things they say. For every one member of the WBC who abuses their right to free speech, their are thousands of Americans who use it in the way it was

I really dont see how this is sexist, can you explain to me how it is except that the default seems to be a generic guy-to-girl letter? I mean, something needs to be the default to show the possible humour.

Ford 2.3L Lima

A Pinto Wagon in GT6.

2.) Ford Pinto

"In a related news story, a website known as Sploid was taken over by angry Jalopnik readers after an article condemning the automobile was published."

So the Kotaku review was leaked after all! (Credit to UsernameoftheDead here on Kotaku, just thought it was silly and biased enough to get a chuckle out of me)

Plane cabins are public spaces, therefore any non-civilized behaviors, from anyone of any gender or any age or any ethnicity is unacceptable.

Everybody has the right to fly with their children. It's a good thing. The family stays together, the kids see the world, good times.

No. The baby or small child shouldn't be on the plane in the first place, and if you can't shut them up then get better at parenting. I honestly wish there were airlines that banned children like a Sandals resort. I think you should forfeit the privilege of air travel until your children are at least 3 years old.

This makes me very sad. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.

The PS4 doesn't have a wobbling problem, it can stop any time it wants to.