. .

While longer, the I-6 is easier to package in width, especially since you can use a cross-flow head and keep the hot side away from the cold side. Exhaust packaging is also easier, even with twin turbos. Lower end torque is a matter of displacement and cams, which can be dealt with like any other engine. I would

Thanks for the replies everyone! All makes perfect sense. I learned something new today. :) I only replied to Borsuq here for convenience, but the thanks goes to all replies — I starred everyone, too.

CD Projekt Red has a spot in my heart.
Not only releasing totally bitchin' games, make 'em availble everywhere, no DRM.

What a great studio, man.
Hope they last forever in this cutthroat industry.

This list is Bull.

Bunch of whiners. The token Nigeria nomination notwithstanding, this list is of airports in countries where things actually work, where you don't have to bribe your way in and out, where luggage handling works, planes are maintained, pilots are sober, ATC's radars are turned on, and where runways are without local

I don't normally complain about the AOTD list. However today is an exception.

Too funny, a complaint about flying to a foreign country where they won't speak your language instead of their own. Oh the indignity and injustice.

Dear car, I know I'm close to the next driver up ahead, I'm just about to overtake them. Dear car, I know I crossed my lane without indicating. That's because there's nobody here.

8.) Automatic headlamps

That would never stick because the whole point of Jezebel is, in fact, discriminative. Or perhaps we should stop being so politically correct and realize that casual sexism is a reality.

Although I may or may not agree that the Smart F2 is overpriced, I don't agree with the reason stated here. I don't know where the suggester is from, but Americans tend to expect small cars to be cheap and inexpensive.
Cars aren't sold by the pound. Just because it's smaller, doesn't necessarily mean it is of low

So we are getting rid of all personal responsibility?

im not going to question your logic, im just going to follow it by calling you a stupid head

Just leave Oppo alone. Please.

I agree on auctioning off the vehicles, but I disagree on the funds going into a general fund. That is too likely to incentivize property seizure. We need something else to do with the funds. Preferably something at least tangentially related to the offense. A fund to care for pedestrians struck by uninsured

Now playing

Here is the driver and car before the event started

Wow... yeah legit driver error. Shame all those people got hit because he wanted to show off and flaunt his money. Totally avoidable. Thanks for sharing.

just unreal, hope those people make it through...

I had the same question..looking at the video again and again..it looks like it wants to roll but stays planted. This guy is incredibly lucky. A very good outcome indeed.