Your argument is unassailable.
Your argument is unassailable.
Is that 30 sites with 130 ports apiece? Or 130 ports across 30 sites? The first is progress, the second is extremely depressing.
What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs
I was going to come here to craft a thoughtful, fact-filled comment about how these policies will only give the rest of the world — and our enemies — a huge head start, how military readiness and capability will be diminished, and how it would be far better to listen to what the commanders on the field think our…
Trump is a such a dumb cunt.
I think it’s every three years we get another wave of airship hype.
Someone remembers.
Combining the pampering of a cruise ship with the speed of some other slightly faster ship...
Is this a repeat from 2019 2014 2009 2004 1999 1994 1989 ......
I think your reasoning is solid.
It was all predatory from the start. I can’t fault automakers completely for not buying enough chips because they thought Covid was going to be much worse than it was financially (Mistake #1).
It’s true the US economy is doing very well right now and recovered from pandemic issues much better and faster than others with the miraculous soft landing almost nobody thought was possible.
It’s the only economy that’s not on the brink of collapse right now.
As the saying goes - “you can milk a cow everyday, but you can only bleed it once”.
the line between profitablility and loss is thin......did for report like $23 billion in gross profit for 2023? Sounds like they have a little wiggle room.
The US economy is carrying the world right now. It’s the only economy that’s not on the brink of collapse right now. Pretty much every other developed economy has been hit hard repeatedly by food and energy prices skyrocketing, foreign and domestic security issues, and general civil strife.
Here’s a fucking clue for the automakers: When your markets are in the midst of a recession (or on the tipping point), raising prices, adding markups, and just being assholes isn’t the way to LONG-TERM profitability. Sure, you’ll make your quarterly bonuses, but you’re screwing yourselves in the long term.
Take a look at the pics on Cars & Bids. The driver’s side of the body appears to be a couple inches shorter than the passenger side:
This is the right take.
I’m going to armchair engineer this: The smart thing would have been to strip the body panels off the California, remove the power top, etc. and then build the body you want around the hardpoints, keeping as much as you can. (With this as inspiration and at 9/7 scale.)