
This discussion seems quaint in a world in which most automotive mapping applications warn you of speed traps long before you are in range.

I have always called the translucent glass that slides back (either below the roof or over the roof) a moonroof. Mainly because I had Hondas for eons and that was what they called them. Yeah, I’m old.

Thanks for the details. I have sort of been looking at a Bolt. For the year/price they are excellent deals. Particularly the ones with new factory batteries. They not only sell for a cheaper price (branded title), but have a long warranty on that battery.

Fiesta ST is the right answer.  So cheap to run so hard.

If I didn’t live on Hoth, I would buy the Fiesta. These folks might also want to think about making Scratchy the cheap car and replace her with a newer car. Subarus are great but not immortal. 

I was also thinking EV. I’ve seen used Bolts and even Bolt EUVs in the sub $20k range. If they qualify, there is a 20% up to $4k tax thing for buying a sub $25k EV used. That drops the price of a $19k used EV to $15k.

How about a 2012 BMW 135i? Very fun to drive with room in back set for Fido! Pretty solid n55 inline 6 with 300hp and bulletproof ZF tranny.

We used to live in Portland. We also have a 2011 Outback, and wanted a second car, so I feel somewhat qualified to speak to this one. We ended up spending a bit more than $15k and got a Chevy Bolt, but I bet you could find a used Bolt for under $15k these days with a battery in a good state of health.

So far it’s been

Get another Subie. Specifically a WXR STi. Here’s a 2016 for $21,770CAD (just a tick over $15K USD). Fast, back seat, room for the dog.

I wouldn’t own winter tires without them being on their own rims. It takes me maybe 1/2 hour in the garage each spring/fall to do the wheel swap and it’s free. My winter wheels were $200, three years ago.

Honestly it just sounds like you need a second commuter car. Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic. If you want something fun that can also fit some groceries, just about any two door sportscar fits the bill save a Lotus Elise, but that’s well outside your budget anyway. I know you need room for a dog, but dogs fit in the

Not sure if you’re aware of this commonly overlooked feature on convertibles, but they come with a retractable top that can be erected during and prior to inclement weather. It’s great at keeping water droplets from contacting your hair. And dogs are perfectly happy in the front passenger seat.

a Honda Fit is the only real answer here...

Had an i3. This is the way

Isn’t this exactly the case for Miata Is Always The Answer?

Exactly what I came to say. Goddamn cowards. 
