Keiser Soze

That’s exactly what I think it is.

That was awesome. Thanks for sharing!

Looks like a JJ-verse take on this guy right here. If that’s what you mean, I agree.

Dude, it looked awesome. Don’t overthink it.

Thank you for writing an actual article discussing what’s on the video, rather than just posting it and calling it a day.

Can we get a movie to finish Brian Finch’s story? Can someone put up a petition or something? I really liked this show.

That’s what I feel about everything Snyder does, really.

Man, I need a re-watch, I guess. I blew through it in 2 days.

Bravo! LMFAO!

I don’t remember anything about paying someone to shoot Frank in the head (I understood he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, like his family), but about everything else you’re spot on.

Fork in right hand all the time. Use knife in left hand. Doesn’t feel awkward at all to me. I’m right handed.

The one chick(?) standing under the shadow looks kind of like a Founder (Changeling).

I thought Jem’hadar

It wasn’t a gun that set it off, it was a zippo lighter.

When the core cooled it stopped churning so the megnetosphere disapeared. When that happend all of the Sun’s solar radiation was able to basically burn up all the water on the surface. That’s the quick and dirty at least.