Counterpoint. Lighten up.
Someone who has never played here. Is it too hard to get into at this point? I just feel like I’ll be the only newb and get harassed by griefers.
I don’t know if I’m alone on this one, but I think the Voyager theme was great.
That kid needed to learn that when you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. That teacher should not have been fired. Just one man’s opinion.
Raiden’s superman move from MKI: “Had your mama last niiiiiight!”
Fork in right hand all the time. Use knife in left hand. Doesn’t feel awkward at all to me. I’m right handed.
Was looking to see if anyone else noticed the Samus homage.
A flange of baboons.
It's called a vowel. Vowels have two sounds. The letter "E" makes both the "eh" and "ee" sound. Just sayin'.
first episode is terrible it almost turned me off to the whole thing. Second one is great.
No, I myself am bothered by it. Reading it as "Papo and Yo" feels really awkward for me, being bilingual and all. I just read it as "Papo y yo."
While I see your point about the ergonomics, if you really think about it it shouldn't be much of an issue. I play all kinds of games on the 360 and have never felt like tilting the right stick that way felt uncomfortable. There shouldn't be much of a difference reaching for a button in the same area. All I know is…