
Gee, why wouldn’t two young, rising actors want to do interviews *~*as a CoUpLe*~* thereby tying their success together, as if their romantic relationship is integral to their careers. Hmmm.

It also weirdly reinforces the stereotype that trauma is what makes female characters interesting. 

It’s the ending of two separate Bond movies, and it happened in Knight Rider and who knows how many other places.

IDK about anyone else, but I’m using the term intentionally, fully knowing about the historical meaning being rooted in misogyny.

Thomas has stated time and time again that on the show, Veronica and Logan’s ‘traditional gender roles’ have been reversed ; she was the wise-cracking, cynical gumshoe and he was the

Is it possible to just be too dumb to be traumatized? 

I genuinely believe the opposite. Based on how he acted this season, adult Logan would be trying to dismantle the toxic parts of their relationship, while Veronica definitely has major trust, communication, commitment, etc. issues that would keep them from immediately having a functional marriage.

It does seem intentional, but considering how underdeveloped season 3 was, and characters like Eli, Wallace and Duncan became, I’m inclined to think it’s a longer term problem of inconsistent writing than just one bad performance or episode.

Yeah, this is where I’m at, too. I understand the motive behind ditching Logan, but not all of the other stuff Thomas says he wants to get rid of in season 5.

Let people fan however the heck they want to. Shippers are fans. Mystery lovers are fans. People who tune in just to see what kind of dog Veronica has now are fans. Stop this gate-keeping bs. 

I didn’t love the decision to kill Logan at the end (especially because I thought they did such a great job throughout the season of setting them up for a believable breakup), but man did I HATE the voicemail/closing speech. Logan praising Veronica and saying he respected her ability to shake off her traumas? That’s

First off, I wanted to say that I have very much enjoyed and appreciated your recaps/reviews for the new season. When I saw you were doing them, I was so excited because I knew your insights would be really valuable to my watching experience!

I know Rob Thomas said it was necessary because the show wouldn’t work if Veronica had a perfect life, but her life with Logan was not perfect at all. There are plenty of other ways for her to be troubled that don’t require yet another life-shakingly traumatic event.

While I still haven’t worked out completely how I feel about Logan’s death (I’ve moved on to acceptance I think), I would have been upset with the show if it ended with Veronica happily married. 1. Veronica and Logan never really worked through their issues. And 2. If this were to be the end, end then that ending

They took Veronica back to square one. She’s not grown. she’s not changed, now she’s not even in an adult relationship. Basically It’s really teenage VM solving crimes, just that she is now stuck in an adult body. I wish they went in a different direction with her.

I get the idea of moving Veronica and the show to new places, but the very nature of Logan’s job would’ve allowed that to happen. Veronica has a job in Michigan? Logan is on a mission. He’s only in one episode this season. He’s only on Skype. The case goes on, the relationship remains intact.

The killing of Logan

I have... a lot of thoughts. I’m of the mind that a show does its job right when it is ultimately satisfying the fans in the way it tells a story.

I’m far from a Logan and Veronica shipper, but the ending still made me angry. It was the Extreme Tragedy of it all with Logan being murdered* on their wedding day, five minutes after seeing them get married, like something out of a shitty soap opera. Dragging out Veronica’s realization that something was up didn’t

I’m VERY comfortable leaving Logan behind, but I’m not sure I’d want a Veronica Mars show that wasn’t set in Neptune. It’s Veronica’s Gotham City!

It’s actually devastating when you realize that their mother abandoned them, and their father never gave a shit about them and pitted them against each other their whole lives. Kendall grudgingly cared enough about them to make sure they had food, I guess.

I said this into the void on Twitter earlier today, but given the full events of this season (not going into further spoilers), combined with Beaver, Kendall, etc... it’s SHOCKING that Dick, for all his many, many faults, is as relatively well-adjusted as he is. You can almost forgive his douchebaggery given the