
Here is your annual reminder that allowing runners to take out a catcher and allowing catchers to block home plate are the dumbest rules in sports and should be immediately changed.

As someone who greatly overreacted to the home plate collision, throwing at a man’s head is just the worst kind of retribution.

This guy did something bad, so he deserves a suspension and a fastball to the skull.”

In reality the citizen will sue the PD and the taxpayers will pay for it. Justice. 

So in addition to the stop sign infraction the cop is on the hook for unlawful arrest and illegal imprisonment.

I like it because I’ve never seen anything like it.

The scarf/headband and rings are accessories, not entire ensembles. Angus’ schoolboy outfit has passed into the realm of the iconic, like Col Sanders’ whites, Captain Kangaroo’s denim jumpsuit, or Trump’s too small tux.

Yes. Hair and Makeup On A Plane.

I have been going over this in my mind ever since first reading the article yesterday, and I now realise what’s been tucking at my brain strings: I don’t think it’s that people like Kristin Davis are discovering racism and being surprised by it, I think what they probably never considered before having their noses

Also, i would consider this. Some people, through no fault of their own, are not exposed to certain experiences. You can call it privilege, but i think that is unfair. sometimes its just circumstance. if your area does not have so many POC you don’t see their plight. you read about it and think “ well yeah there is

Agreed. I read a lot about minority issues in Europe, but I will be damned if I could say I *get* what my blackness would be like in France (were I living there full time and not able to open my mouth - their racism can get hella specific), or how it’s like to be South East Asian in the UK or anything. Reading and

It’s the same in cases of rape. “Oh, I know him, he’s a good guy, he could never do something like that!” Like that motherfucker Brock Turner who got caught in the middle of raping an unconscious woman and the judge was all, “this one act shouldn’t ruin the rest of his life.” Motherfucker, fuck you. And yes, fuck

Agreed. Plus how do we tell white people that we want them to learn and grow then bitch when they do exactly that? How exactly does that help intersectionality?

Yeah, I’m seeing a lot of ‘We’ve been SAYING it, forever!’, completely ignoring the fact that humanity as a whole speaks best on subjects that it has personally been part of.

That might be the worst thing about white privilege: the ‘maybe’.

It isn’t unusual for people to give credence to folks who look or sound most familiar to them. A huge swath of white people never interact with people of color so of course they are going to be more responsive to someone that they can identify with. The fact that she has given it any thought at all is better than a