
I have a strong feeling that Kotaku readers would absolutely love the smartphone game my studio is working on right now

This is one of my favourite Kotaku articles.

I didn’t even notice the hype around this game. It looked terrible to me from the start and I suppose I must have forgotten about this game entirely.

My god that frame-rate

On the subject of Alien, I got my VR headset working with Alien Isolation again yesterday. I haven’t played the game properly, I’ve only played it in VR thus far (had a long break after Windows 10 broke compatibility).

When I last played this, it felt rather plasticy and cartoony, it was still good but the graphics felt very TF2-like at the time.

I wasn’t that impressed with it anyway

LOVE, LOVE, love. LOVE. Love love love.

I think you should do some business studies before randomly spouting off the cuff on attempting to connect the dots.

the console market isn’t a cell phone or even tablet market

I think the learning curve is more that people see it as a daunting task or as something really advanced. There’s a stigma, rather than an actual learning curve.

Doesn’t really complicate the ecosystem or retail aspects. Apple release iPad 4, iPad 3 gets a price drop, iPad 2 is no longer sold, software for iPad 1 is no longer a mandatory target for compatability. That’s how it will likely end up for consoles.

Personally I find it weird that people go for consoles to begin with. In my case I feel like I have absolutely zero reason to ever get a console.

If you want the full story, basically the smartphone industry has made manufacturing, power efficiency and mass production way cheaper so we’re getting more efficient and more powerful components at lower prices rapidly.

This still hasn’t been publicly announced? There was loads of talk about it in the PS dev community right now, particularly in the VR field, it’s all died down so I thought it was already announced

It was this Monday past; I quit the game because I felt it was so ridiculous and then saw this Kotaku article.

Aha, I didn’t even notice the 70s deco. Actually in general it doesn’t look like they drove down a 70s retro theme, just looks like a few 70s deco props and colours were thrown into the background and then they called it a day on the theming front :B

Not sure I’d describe this as retro, seems rather modern in style

I noticed a time-out kick myself where everyone on my team left, leaving me, so I bastion’d my spawn and was having fun killing the enemy, then the game kicked me for AFK because I was bastion in turret form in spawn room...Despite me turning around and shooting.

Generations is actually good. It was a surprise to everyone, including Sega.