
How much is he receiving from the tobacco companies to talk so much about vaping? He’s either incentivised or the dullest conversationalist ever.

Let me guess......Caps fan? Rangers fan? Flyers fan? How many times have the Pens knocked your team out of the playoffs?

Should also be mentioned the amazing teammate Fleury has been this year and especially last season. He was the only reason the Penguins were even in the playoff hunt after the 1st half of last season, then had to watch from the sidelines as a rookie took his job due to injury and won the Cup with his team. Fleury was

In hindsight, starting 11-30 wasn’t the greatest strategy but Spo always thinks out of the box.

Now playing

This tweet can be comfortable in knowing it will never be the most embarrassing thing in Ottawa Senators history (non-hockey division).

Free market to conservatives means: whatever benefits the rich.

Under better circumstances, Sean Spicer would not be continually fueling whole news cycles on the strength of his

I can’t believe that. It would be like having an industry where a huge percentage of its employees end up with horrific respiratory disease that the public ignores, and the POTUS promising to increase the number of jobs in said industry. Real Looney Tunes stuff.

Imagine an industry where a large percentage of it’s employees end up with neurological problems and the public just shrugging it off.

This is the quote of the day.

“He was born in Sicily or Donegal or Dubrovnik”

Labor forgets its class consciousness sometimes, but capital never does.

This is the same argument for people who argue in favor of management over labor. Theoretically, only a tiny, fraction of a percent of people should be making those arguments, yet, anecdotally, it is an alarmingly large percentage.

Fuck all of you Social Justice Warriors. Tarzan was about a white man who is raised by apes.

Woaaaaaaaa get this shit out of here @tomley

“We pray for the lives of the wounded and for the souls of those who have passed and we hope that as long as america stands for justice, then peace or harmony will in the end prevail. Good night, and god bless america, and the entire world, thank you.”