
And the drama of that stemmed from Rosie O’Donnell who later that same day on The View opined that Kelly having a physical reaction to Aiken placing his hands on her mouth and then saying “don’t do that, I don’t know where your hands have been” felt homophobic. As if to maybe suggest gay men are dirty/sex

... except that he frequently discusses being a co-parent and how he is divorced twice. He’s not proud that he’s a divorced dad, but he’s certainly proud of how well he and his ex-wife (at least publicly) handled their separation.

Yeah... I’m getting the same read. Not sure what is wrong here?

Really? Okay. I admit it. I like Kelly Ripa. So I’m obviously biased. I also think Strahan was a SURPRISINGLY good fit for LIVE. I thought Josh Groban or Seth Meyers would have been better choices to fill Regis’ seat at the time, but Strahan more than earned his co-host title on the show. He’s a great find! Together

Yeah, see the problem is that people clapped for her because a lot of us like her and also think she handled her shit just fine.

Caitie2187, I don’t think Kelly felt she had the right to know about any negotiations per se. But then again, the network also could have chosen to have that meeting to tell Kelly that they are moving Strahan to GMA in the fall and they are now informing her of this big change to come. They will give her her “holiday”

Wait. Hold up, friend.

No. It’s perfectly plausible that there are discussions on what the future of ABC morning TV could look like without “Live,” but I don’t believe ABC is looking to make that immediate change. At this point, they would sooner cancel “The View” first and move “Live” up an hour. “Live” is a cash cow for the network and

Will there be a feature that helps prioritize wifi preferences?

I actually maybe REALLY love you

The issue for me is less Ben told two women that he loves them. You’re the star of a show where 25 beautiful women are constantly telling you how much they love you. I doesn’t seem that weird that you might get overwhelmed emotionally and reciprocate similar feelings for more than one of these ladies.

If you live/work in an area with a thriving Chinese/Chinese American community, it’s all the more important that you get involved with said community. Many of these communities have family play dates for new parents and young kids. Sign up the kids for activities (i.e. sports, cultural activities etc.). But you got to

I appreciate that the article identifies all the challenges in raising a child with multi-lingual abilities. But the negative tone to arrive at practical encouragement for parents raising kids in a bilingual environment seems a bit... ridiculous?

You need to think about why you have those feelings to begin with. Why does this fear/nervousness hold you back from letting go of material goods? When you get to the root of the why, you can change your mindset.

It’s complicated, sure. But both shoes serve a purpose. Don’t get rid of them!

But if you’re using said shoes and they serve a purpose, then there’s no reason to get rid of them.

Actually, let’s take a step back.

I get what you’re saying here, and in a lot ways this thinking is smart (i.e. with a car, for example), but I think the idea here is to try to change your your relationship with your unused possessions first and foremost.

Wait, no. *This* exactly.