
So taking ‘transgender’ out of the equation for a moment, an honest-to-god actual journalist, at a real actual for-profit published newspaper, wrote an article about election fraud in the local high school’s homecoming court. A grown-ass adult, working for a real newspaper, thought that was a story worth writing and

Can’t watch the video right now, but those pictures to the far right of the still image really, really look like generic republicans. Please tell me that he uses his phallic skills to paint pictures of anti-gay conservative politicians. I really, really want that to be what he does.

There’s that quote “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely,” but I’ve always been amazed at how little authority it takes to turn some people into the pettiest, power-trippingest little tin-pot dictators imaginable. Case in point, this shitshow and his “I like tipping because it allows me to punish those

I was thinking that too. I wonder if Apple, Google, and Intel are going to be putting more effort into sustainable mining practices for all the assorted rare-earth elements that go into modern consumer electronics. Or maybe electronics recycling programs that don’t involve burning circuit boards over an open fire to

In addition to being sexist and gross, IT DOESN’T EVEN FUCKING RHYME RIGHT. The lines have wildly different length and it flows about as gracefully as a cinder block down a hill. I’m not nearly enough of an English/poetry/linguistics nerd to tell exactly why the sentence structure feels so... blocky, but I can tell

When my sister (older, by 4 years or so) would fight, my mom would put us both in time out, in seperate chairs, facing each other, only a few inches apart. It was a devestatingly effective technique.

I... really don’t know how to feel about this name. Have I created something terrible?

And remember, you absolutely must have your infant color-coded at all times no matter what, so that complete strangers can tell what their genitalia looks like and can therefore get in on the sexist socialization too!

Dependent on having access to a legitimate grocery store, not just a burger king and a couple of gas station convenience stores (which is the reality for a surprisingly large number of Americans)

A couple years ago I got myself in a bad place financially, due to a lost job at the most inopportune moment possible. I was on welfare for about two months. What I remember most is how goddamn convoluted and difficult the process was. Applying for and recieving any given type of welfare was like a poorly-written

If I remember right, ‘Apple’ used to be a word for any generic type of fruit (or even some vegetables) in a number of different European languages- hence why the French term for potato is “pomme de terre” (literally dirt-apple,) or why pineapple is a word in English for a fruit that looks vaguely like a pinecone. I’m

Well that’s really just your loss.

I really like the image of a secret service agent with his hand up to his earpiece, talking into a microphone “That Jackass has left the building, and is en route. Repeat, That Jackass es en route.”

I’d vote for Bilbo in a heartbeat.

You don’t really even need to do that, if you don’t mind your dehydrated corn syrup solids being off-brand:

For celebrities, attention and money are basically interchangable. Donald Trump is well aware of that old saying about there being no such thing as bad publicity. He’s near-universally hated, and a national disgrace, but he’s also making so much money that it’s significant even for someone as rich as he is. He’ll have

The problem isn’t really a lack of discipline, the problem is “no raping” isn’t a part of the discipline. It’s a rule, but it’s only in the last few years that there’s been any effort whatsoever to enforce it, and it’s still not nearly enough.

In continued fairness, I can imagine several possible explanations for what’s going on here, but I can’t imagine any that would change the story much. The reason this happened is because Tim Foster is a crazy asshole. The details surrounding his crazy assholery are just that: details. Whether he was a crazy asshole

It kinda sounds like the “alcohol, drug use, and misogyny” accusation was a knee-jerk reaction to hearing the word ‘rap,’ regardless of either context or specific details.

I dream of a world where MRA rageflailing is intentionally used as an unwitting advertising medium. Like, some marketing intern is paid to troll around in the stankier corners of 4chan and reddit, trying to get the MRA crowd riled up to protest the movie, with the knowledge that a big enough MRA protest will get