
Right? Most of his movies are the same goofy, kinda grindhousey revenge fantasy plot, with the [insert oppressed class] victim swapped with another oppressed class. I’ve seen most of them. I’ve even enjoyed them when I’m in the right mood. I’d even say he has a distinct style that borders on ‘interesting’ at times.

In general, or in specific reference to Mel Gibson? Yes, and Hell Yes, respectively.

Yes, it would. It would be pretty stupid, but it would also be entirely constitutional. Since the constitution doesn’t forbid governments at any level from passing stupid laws, the two are very, very far from being mutually exclusive.

Can we start some kind of petition to get the confederate memorial torn down and replaced with a whole bunch of monuments to a whole bunch of black civil rights activists? Honestly, seeing these people angry is fucking hilarious, so why not go for ‘all out blue-in-the-face incoherent rage?’

Have you not been paying attention to CNN lately? In fact, have you not watched more than two minutes of CNN at any point in the last five years or so? This is what they do. This isn’t even ‘par for the course’ for them, this is honestly pretty low on the sliding scale of CNN stupidity. Because CNN desperately wishes

Go in saying “I think I want an abortion.” Let them go through their whole deceiptful speil, nodding along at appropriate moments. Leave saying “Well you’ve definitely changed my mind about wanting an abortion. Now I want THREE abortions!” Cackle madly on your way out the door.

Nope. They’ll give you a dick, and then punch you it it. And then take it back, just to be mean.

Ugh. It’s bad enough that people actually eat frostees by themselves.

Seconded. I would love a kitchenette about “Restaurant customers who are clearly not actually human.”

Fun fact: You can replace “Saint’s Row” in that statement with “real life,” and it still holds true.

It’s pretty solid tempered glass, similar to a pyrex baking dish, which are reasonably difficult to break already. It’s also not millimeter-thick lightbulb glass, or even centimeter-think heavy window glass. It’s probably a solid lump of glass, probably 3 or 4 cm thick any way you slice it, so it’s incredibly durable.

Honestly, everyone should be worried about Mel Gibson. I mean, can you honestly tell me that when you’re lying in bed, on the edge of sleep, you don’t still feel the shadow of that quintessential childhood fear that Mel Gibson might be hiding in your closet? I mean, you’re an adult now, able to comfort yourself to

To be honest, I thought you were going to say something about how offering people a choice between dessicated spam nuggets and roast grasshopper is probably a pretty effective way to get people to reexamine their distaste for eating insects.

Came here to say the same thing. Both this article and the ‘two questions’ article it references are all about how to unambiguously tell if a lady doesn’t want to talk to you. Following these rules requires no interpretation, no social skills whatsoever, no guessing or picking up subtle hints. They are meant as

When the current host dies, the hair will seek out a new body to invade.

That reminds me of a fun anecdote I heard a while back:

I’d sure as hell vote for a toupee’d cobra. Escaped cobra for president!

Can it involve this?

I know, right? Hasn’t anyone ever told that bitch “puff puff pass?” or “the proletariat must rise up and take back the means of production, so long held unfairly by the greedy and self-centered ruling class?”

Exactly. Millions of people have exist somewhere on the autism spectrum. Men and women, children and adults. Some have trouble functioning in society without help, some function just fine on their own. Many of them consider their autism not to be a disease, or even a disorder, but simply a different way of thinking