I can’t see your point here. You’d be running into this same issue on consoles as well. Any racing game, from Forza to Gran Tourismo, is far better with a proper wheel and pedals setup.
I can’t see your point here. You’d be running into this same issue on consoles as well. Any racing game, from Forza to Gran Tourismo, is far better with a proper wheel and pedals setup.
Uh, you realize this isn’t a PC-only thing, right? I can play BeamNG, for example, with a simple controller if I want to. But much like how trying to be competitive at Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo with a controller isn’t worth much, neither is it here.
How do you downvote on this site again.. You’re a real class act..
Odds of the rapper having paid royalties for the fairy fountain theme? lol
If you want a better example of how much more atrocious the music industry is than the video game industry, I don’t think you’ll find one.
One of my friends is a Zelda speedrunner and got multiple claims because a rapper used the fairy fountain theme in one of his songs. he had to for a bit mute his stream when he would get to certain bits of a SNES game.
What you said was “redesign.” What you meant was “ruined.”
The video from SSC was pathetic. “It’s been an emotional week”. “We don’t actually own the footage that was released”. WTF? “discrepancies with the GPS”. what? How?
Those harmful chemicals from the Changli are starting to take their toll
Legend of Legends
Seems as though a lot of the design is copying a student project from 5-6 years ago.
When reached for comment the only thing Roborace Car would say was, “Please place the items in the bagging area.”
Who said anything about Tesla and their imaginary-for-now Roadster?
How is that silly? Having a huge backer like Mercedes bodes well for Aston Martin.
And what if one of the drivers confesses to being gay and will go out with a rainbow flag and urge everyone to become gay? There can be a lot of examples.
all the nonsense that he goes on about all the time
...I find it impossible to care anymore about anything Hamilton says...
He added that he did not believe Hamilton’s Breonna Taylor t-shirt made sense, as “half the audience did not understand at all what this shirt was about until it was explained.”
“Mercedes blew its electric sports car lead”