
Not right away, but all of the Year 1 exotics that didn’t get immediate redesigns with the launch of TTK will eventually get the bump “over time”

Ran into the same problem with story missions never restarting and forcing you to complete them. The trick is that you have to restart at the mission's default difficulty. After zoning in just return to orbit, and then you can switch it to whatever difficulty you need.

Because gamers deserve options? It's a foregone conclusion that the xbox is not popular in Japan (and won't be), but there is still likely some demand for it or they wouldn't. Perhaps it's a niche market, but that shouldn't prevent a company from supporting it if they can afford to. What if JRPG developers decided to

Is there any chance that it's ISP related? Given their successful play to bully Netflix I would imagine that Comcast has its sights leveled on the game networks next

Is anybody afraid that by putting so much focus on what game hits 1080p/60fps on what console that devs will start sacrificing other aspects of their games so that they can? Or how about games that intentionally aren't 60fps like The Order for PS4, does this make them inferior and not worth gamers' money/attention?

Except there are no kill streak rewards in battlefield. Those asshats are just padding their k/d ratios. Different monster entirely. Battlefield really tends toward the exception in that your squad perk rewards are based on working as a team and capturing objectives. Not just individual kills.

Rabble rabble rabble... it's because it will be on Xbox One. Rabble... Micro$oft's fault... Rabble rabble.

Sony probably paid more flying and courting another Youtube personality to their launch event back in November.

Set my Xbone up last night and installed BF4, AC4, and Ghosts. Haven't had any issues with my system and have little to complain about. Graphics are tight (a little janky on the outlines in some cases, I expected that though, but it's really not as bad as the internet would have you believe. I work around high-end tvs

Prepaid Battlefield 4 Premium cards sold by retailers for the x360 won't unlock the item, they act as prepaid giftcards. Trouble is, if your state charges sales tax you get taxed when you buy the card and then again when you buy the pass on the marketplace. The prepaid card won't cover the full balance needed so it

So the new Vita is a visual downgrade, cheaper to make, costs the consumer the same as the old one (thus driving their profits up at our expense), but Microsoft is the greedy company? What am I missing?

The new and old Vitas cost the same but the new one is a downgrade but Microsoft is the greedy company?

So let me get this straight: you can stream ps4 games to the vita, but you can't stream vita games to the ps4? Instead, I have to buy another device to do that?

That's a cool application and all, but now they can just do that with your actual cell phone. You'll be able to link your phone to Dead Rising 3 for just that purpose and more.

Personally, I've got my fingers crossed that somebody at microsoft goes onstage at some point wearing a shirt with Shuhei Yoshida sleeping during the panel session on it: "Quantic Dreamin"

Double post, sorry.

The console versions of CoD have hi-res textures? I know I shouldn't be surprised (it is CoD) but I was really underwhelmed by how the graphics looked. For all their talk of new engine this, new engine that it still looks like Modern Warfare 2. You know there's trouble when people are asking what version of the game

PS4 games will do the same thing. Just watch. All Sony ever said was there wouldn't be a required connection on the console end. That leaves the door wide open for the game developers to do it. They worded that statement very carefully on purpose. Their backs are covered and gamers heard what they wanted to. At least

So basically, games aren't going to be restricted by capacity/compression tech limits of physical discs. All I have to do is connect once to download the extras? Then I can play to my heart's content offline? Doesn't sound like a bad arrangement. Games are evolving. Get over it. Disc based games WILL disappear

I guess we'll see. It's all speculative for now. It can go either way, but I think there's room that could be created with certain ideas they have that would see their profits increase and our prices drop.