
There’s even rules on selling daughters into slavery, and when it’s right to give them freedom, in the Old Testament.

Michael Bay is horrible trash.

I agree with the first part, but I can’t recommend Grave of the Fireflies to even new viewers in good faith. This movie is not just sad, it will tear your soul apart with the glee of that effing Saw clown! STAY AWAY!!!

For real!

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I miss the Sarah Silverman Program so much!!

I’m sure I’m the only one who cares about this, but Blade the TV show was canceled after only 1 season, ending on a big cliffhanger where the bad guy found out the good guys’ undercover plot.

Thanks for reminding me. I really enjoyed that show.

We need a BETTER OFF TED reunion!!

I will bring all my glasses, and my shoes....

“Trapt is not and will never be nu metal or any kind of metal. Metal is for nerds who were thrown into garbage cans as kids”

Maybe people over 30 have a difficult time taking a person who named themselves after a brand of bottled water seriously.

Who’s number 3?

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Man..... I thought you were gonna have a story about smoking crack with the band, ‘cuz they totally did that!

Oh! That’s Brad’s brother, “Stu” I’ve heard so much about, right? ;-p


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It's not Chinese, but you should also take a look at Lady Snowblood, the inspiration for Kill Bill.

OK. That last response was much more clear and concise, bringing up actual points and backing them up with evidence. Incredible how you don't seem like a total douche-tard when you use your words, huh?