
Chop Chop? You mean this guy?


Katsushiro from Samurai 7.

Why the FUCK did you post a pic of the ridiculous 2nd season!?! Fuck that horrendous doctor, and that BULLSHIT Riker flashback episode!!

*Although* thinking about it, doesn't the major belief in reincarnation and transcending everything to reach a state of nirvana come explicitly from Buddha?

Now playing

Jackie Chan has taken a gritty turn in a few of his more recent movies. If you guys haven't seen this one, I highly recommend it.

That is DEFINITELY Biz Markie singing! Y U NO GIVE BIZ LOVE, PUT HIM IN VIDEO?!?! I will have to boycott Hot Pockets now!

No..... no, we're NOT done!

No love for this guy?!?! C'MON!!

"In addition to being created by Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop),..."

OK. I didn't know they had a deal in place like that, but it definitely makes sense.

Is there a scene is this movie where Steve Jobs gets a private viewing of the Xerox Alto and steals the mouse-driven GUI (with movable, resizable windows!) for "his" Apple Lisa (later, the Macintosh), and then that gets stolen by Bill Gates? I hope so.

I don't get why Libertarians and atheists have to get shit on in this thing. OF COURSE guys that wear fedoras are horrendous, rapey toolbags, but atheist/libertarian?.... I don't see it. I have known most atheists to be very intelligent (scientists, professors, etc.) and I'm pretty sure the stereotype that is

EXACTLY!! I always hated that selfish bitch, throwing away the one thing that Bill Paxton spent his whole career and life looking for! What a royal CUNT!