Bite your tongue, that stained glass window hallucination was awesome!
Bite your tongue, that stained glass window hallucination was awesome!
This is Young Sherlock Holmes erasure and I will not stand for it!
His 30 Days episode about outsourcing tech work to India was especially meaningful to me. I was working in tech just as my employer was moving into outsourcing. I burned it onto a DVD to share with my co-workers, who all found it really meaningful as well.
I enjoyed 30 Days back in the day. It marked the beginning of FX really starting to commit to making good shows (give or take a The Shield)
It’s a shame that his legacy will always be Supersize Me, a flawed documentary that I never cared for. His real strength was his TV series, 30 Days and Inside Man, which really explored compelling corners of life with an empathetic eye.
“Dan Snyder (owner of the Washington Commanders)“
Looking forward to the Snyder Cut, which is just two hours of Dan gargling Trump’s shriveled, old balls.
About the only thing that continues to resonate with me about the prequels is that Anakin’s path to the dark side is based on a lie he is willing to test out in order to save the love of his life. It was handled poorly, the dialogue was awful, the switch is flipped way too quick, the execution is bad, it seems so…
John Williams’ music.
Say what you will about the prequels, but the fight choreography was fantastic. The worst sins of the JJA films was making me appreciate the prequels.
Dazed and Confused. That movies has always been a comfort watch for me. Great music, a relaxed atmosphere, well-done characters. The perfect start to summer.
Nirvana were from Olympia. All the bands in Singles were Seattle-based and mostly friends with each other, which is why some of the movie feels like a hang-out film instead of a dramedy.
I’m ecstatic “State of Love and Trust” is on here! I’ve never been a big ‘Jam fan, but I’ve always loved that song (best Pearl Jam song, easily!). Along with “It aint like that” from AIC, it encapsulated that ‘grunge’ feel the movie was going for. Almost metal, with the same aggression, but with some seriously catchy…
fukk Lizzo
I’m one of five people who likes Pixels. The entire premise is stupid and I love it.
He’s looking more like Yosemite Sam
Punch-Drunk Love is still, somehow, underrated.