


This was probably my favorite, just because no other kids had it.

Now playing

It's not Chinese, but you should also take a look at Lady Snowblood, the inspiration for Kill Bill.

This show was great! A hidden gem.

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I agree with the sentiment, but the pic is NOT Data's best moment. This vid proves that if Data wants something done, YOU CANNOT FUCK WITH HIM!!!

I never understood this cover. Why is Superman destroying a car? There are no bad guys around, and the people shown are truly terrified of this superhuman monster!

Holy Shit! You are so right!

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You are close, but who can deny this, really?

Reminds me of the PC from "Detective Story" in the Animatrix.

The name of the song is "Sex Machine"

OK. That last response was much more clear and concise, bringing up actual points and backing them up with evidence. Incredible how you don't seem like a total douche-tard when you use your words, huh?