
lol I can't imagine it would have been that hard to actually put a bottle in it.

Best way to work smart (in most jobs) is to know the programs you are using.

Similar thing this past weekend except I wasn't the one pulled over. About 6 cars drove past me, probably going about 5 mph faster than me and when I came up to the top of a hill they had all passed about 10 seconds earlier, all 6 cars were pulled over due to a massive speed trap... very glad I decided to not keep up

Bah not a single game I am interested in will be streamed :(

well its not Halloween yet so it has time to grow. It looks like they planted them in preparation for a "proper" maze.

I already have the low voice, now just to chew on some gravel and dirt to add the raspyness

Bonnar's voice is amazing. Must practice so when my wife and I have a kid, I will have it ready to strike fear in every boy who comes near my daughter (if i have a daughter) or just terrify some kid I don't like my son is friend's with. muahaha

I used to drink it when i was in middle school but then stopped and pretty much stuck with Gatorade through high school and college. Now that I am back in an office I have the craving for Mt. Dew and have a 12 pack next to my desk.. it lasts for about 3 weeks.

for the children!

It would be hard to compare when there isn't a standard device to compare to - which is also the issue with ps3 chat... cheap wireless/Bluetooth headsets. I used a wired headset that came with a USB adapter and I never had anyone complain about audio quality.

What is so great about this game? I must be missing something because it just seems... meh.

I would say calmer, not necessarily weaker. It was actually nice to have a trailer that wasn't full of swearing lol

This is the trailer you pull up if a friend of yours asks "Say, what's this Grand Theft Auto V I've been hearing so much about?" It's the answer. Show them this, then maybe ease them into a preview with a little music.

That is some extensive body work going on. I don't know if I could even classify that as a leaf lol

In every photo i find of the car from that angle it just looks... off.

Haha thats like 10min from my place

she really needs some admins who have a heavy ban hammer. The kids would get the point real fast when they see a ton of banned names all of a sudden.

best snow park ever

best water park ever

lol this is true