
So it did what was intended but ultimately didn't "heal" them... so if it DID work then they probably would have been thanked instead of sued.. still can't believe they didn't get permission from the patients first though.

taking "spray and pray" a bit literal... with a ton of innocent people driving past too.

I was wondering what #6 was lol

I have pretty small hands for a guy and I love my R.A.T. 7 - buttons are easy to push, nice solid click, and the device itself is very solid. Plus I get the "that mouse is crazy looking!" comments

Hum a game based on the likeness to California lets you smoke pot... yup seems about right. I think the most shocking part is the fact they haven't had this in the game since San Andreas lol. One of the things I like about this game is you don't have play certain aspects - i have yet to pickup a hooker without the

Oh noes! The Borg has captured it!

I bet they are awesome at packing the car

Very true... if someone you are with does not speak French then you will pretty much have a horrible experience (waiters will refuse to wait on you, locals won't answer questions even though they were speaking a mix of English and French to each other a minute ago... Gorgeous city... just don't talk to anyone.

Guess he is stuck being a tiger now... that drinks corona.

"turn turn! oh wait"

you can switch blogs still... its just on the top right instead of top left. click the 3 bars

lol ok, that is why its structured the way it is and not in the middle like your photo. I do like the top bar and nothing really bothers me except for having the images tiny again. I hate it lol

Look up rule of thirds.

Leonard Nimoy... always trying to find a faster way for Bilbo Baggins to travel about.

Video in #5 1:02 mark. Kid having fun.. ruined by adult. Times never change.

They had an article on this a little while ago but it sums up to pretty much keeping cars off the already congested roads.

All Free and Clear is my savior for my skin... also using drier sheets with no scent (yeah you miss the fresh laundry smell) also helps with sensitive skin. One thing that also helps that isn't talked about often is water quality... My skin used to be fine living in WA and AK but since moving down to FL where the

lol i thought that was a Cadillac themed flip phone

Now playing

I was hoping it would be to 500 Miles by The Proclaimers. Much more entertaining song lol