
i’ve never played a game i understood less than this one”

Did you ever play Glover on the N64?

This is what before and after photos should look like.

players reporting queue times that ranged from inconvenient (15 minutes) to so preposterous as to be comical (90-plus minutes).

I don’t believe that’s a Christian belief and definitely not biblical.

I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage.

Man, people who use Christianity like that are the worst. I mean that literally. Or maybe white Christianity is different.

I thought so too, but look again, the flex driver cut in front of the line on the wrong side of the road to turn right.

It’s a blip. We do them every morning; a photo with a small blurb under it to get the day started.

But your thirst for a Borrego story has been noted.

I am honestly having a hard time following the title and article.

so, emotional pain right?
not like, i went to google “how to..” and my brain exploded.

this is way too many words about twitter timelines

This is awesome. Similar to what my 5 y.o. son and I started doing with Minecraft for PS4 due to it having couch co-op. He has his side and I have mine and we both explore and get materials to build whatever. I’m going out for stuff we actually need and he’s elsewhere punching dirt or some errant cow until he goes “oh

Not sure I would advise doing what this man did, so openly and unprotected, but he still died as a hero.

True story: Me: “Why is there a dead body on the back of your horse?”

Saw it pointed out on Twitter by a few female streamers I follow that had it been a female popular streamer that this happened to, they would most likely have had a much... less welcoming return party.

Now playing

Japanese arcades have so many good games! Especially rhythm games *-*

A co-worker of mine told me a story about an experience he had playing Rust. He speaks some Japanese natively, so he told me that he once infitrated a Japanese server where the people there were largely cooperating peacefully. According to him, it took weeks to gain their trust due to his outsider status, but

I wouldn’t worry. As others in comments have said, history shows that people band together better than expected in bad situations.

Now playing

I found it oddly satisfying. Like this video:

What’s especially despicable about United is the fact that this latest jaw-dropping incident doesn’t seem out of the ordinary for the airline. It was just a couple of weeks ago that United refused to allow three young girls to board their flight, because they were wearing leggings. United didn’t apologize for that