
Drove one of these on my wedding night :D

yeah they really are, its a shame they are just falling apart.

Exactly, there are so many that are just decaying - I bet after enough negating with banks you can probably get a pretty good deal on it as well as some renovation loans. The major issue would be fixing the foundation issue that most of them will probably have by now.

I would love to gut one of these and update the interior walls as well as get rid of anything that might be "spooky." If only I had a spare million or two lying around lol

Nice parking job!

The light is already "leaking" out the back, you just can't see it because of the frame. Only damage would be caused if something went through the laser cut area and physically damaged the lcd.

I grew up being the only gamer in my social group so I never really talked to other gamers in person (just VoIP) - 10 years ago it was the standard, gamers are lazy, gamers are antisocial, gamers are overweight, etc - the stereotypes. Hence why I never mentioned to people i hung out with minus a couple really close

+39 to you good sir!

Off-topic but why are there baby photos in the corner? Are those missing children or something?

I believe it became legal rather recently too... Last year some people were arrested here in North Florida for giving other drives a heads up about the speed trap and the cops pulled them over. I believe it was "obstruction of justice"... People spoke up enough that they changed the law, hopefully MO will do the same

Pretty sure that backpack saved her from some serious spine damage...

Sadly those are the only examples of "christians" most people see because that is what the media reports on. You never hear about the missionaries giving their lives to help others around the world, the churches raising money and collecting donations for the poor or needy - the only time you hear about these events is

best statement on this whole post.

best. glitch. ever.

Thank you so much for the link, can't believe I never looked for an app before lol - now to find a mount...

bah guess ill have to wait a few hours before I can see what this is about.

Is it visual or audio nsfw?

That's what GT5 looks and feels like to me when I drive the Redbull X1 lol.

Just buy a Chuckit, if you can throw a ball then you can use a chuckit and throw it 2 or 3x farther then you normally could. This bazooka would be good if you can't throw a ball due to arthritis or something as long as pulling back on the launcher as well as the trigger is easy.