I love you for this.
I love you for this.
Women & sports, amirite fellas?
This is exactly how I picture Arizona.
You know Votto called him a mouth breathing piece of shit in the clubhouse.
Prince Valient was clearly the worst of all time.
Like Goldschlager or Jagermeister.
I blame White Chicks for this. Curse you Wayans Bros!!!!!!
Packer fan here, I hate Packer fans. I cannot watch a game in public with people I don’t know anymore. The amount of shit for brains remarks I hear from people in regards to expectations & comments about the team is enough to make me want to stab out my own ear drums. Go Pack Go.
Nobody should watch remakes.
It’s called the NCAA.
We didn’t see the other 2.5 minutes, don’t assume. It is Florida.
Your friend sounds like a liberal carpet muncher.
So how did we feel about Vince dunking over a Frenchman?
Where’d you dig up that wonderful photo of Baby Huey?
I fucking hate any coach named Tom in the Big 10
Along with the Bucks & Sixers the year before. Hell that whole damn league is rigged.
LeBron is from Akron, not Cleveland. Stop claiming him like a prodigal son you sad fat Midwest pieces of shit.
I know how to find a fucking library ok?
Ask a few waiters about him & you’ll find out.
Ok, so I guess I finally agree with Doug Melvin not overpaying to keep him in Milwaukee.