It’s because the NFL still has it as a banned substance and some of the brothas can’t seem to stop puffing long enough to beat a drug test. You don’t want to pay someone who misses 1/4 of the season because he can’t say no.
It’s because the NFL still has it as a banned substance and some of the brothas can’t seem to stop puffing long enough to beat a drug test. You don’t want to pay someone who misses 1/4 of the season because he can’t say no.
The real fun was spending countless hours changing the names of the players to represent who they really were and having to make concessions in the ones who had too many letters.
Ken Griffin you say?
Someone missed the joke.
First, I stopped reading at Paleo. This kind of shit is a black mark on society.
I hit the star shape just for the word “mutants”. Always makes me giggle.
MLS: “We’re a thing!”
*Mozgav SMASH*
Did you hear his father is going to tear down the rec center?
But is dad holding a beer?
Said, fuck it, and just committed to it after people started to look.
More soft batch pussy liberal bullshit. Apparently opinions aren’t allowed in their dysotopian future.
I know he’s not directly involved in the Andrus/Beltre bond, but at least here in Milwaukee it always seemed like a Prince Fielder team was having a good time together as a group.
Ew that’s what it’s like to listen to a Rangers game?
This is 100% believeable for that shit hole of a toilet in the middle of America known as Missouri.
I’m American so none of these names look familiar. Were they 80s movie terrorists?
Don’t have a job? Sue the place that gave you a free education.
I’ll see you at almost every single band you listed. I’ll be the guy with the smile & a beer for a stranger.
Sounds lit.
My bad dude. My bad.