
Yeah. I was very disappointed back then and still am.. On the other hand, I would be ecstatic if they picked it up again and gave it another go on newer consoles/PC hardware. Imagine how good the game could look by today’s standards. However, Blizzard is a stagnant incompetent developer that thrives on rehashes of

We also need a blacksmith for repairing durability of our weapons.

Hmm.. Final Fantasy XV-2 would be nice.. but with Hajime Tabata gone.. It certainly won’t happen. I’m still sad over not getting the DLC episodes for Aranea and Lunafreya.. **cries a river** :-(

I’d say its time the Senran Kagura series make its debut on Xbox and move over to Nintendo Switch full-time.. Forget Sony if they are going to be silly about censorship.. >_>

Exactly, I don’t think this can be said any better!

I completely agree with your point of view on this subject matter. I also prefer 3rd person gaming, if it is available. If not.. then at least they should include a 3rd person perspective emote wheel to take yourself out of 1st person momentarily while performing an animation.. ala Destiny style.

Eh.. Ardyn first in 2019?? I wanted Aranea first... 😭

40 billion units.. lol.. Sorry, couldn’t help but notice the typo in Jason’s article.

That Cora Harper looks much much better, when compared to her SJW approved “look” in the final release.. *sigh*.. Why game developers are now submitting to the will of the SJW’s  is beyond me..

Wut?? A Valkyria game coming to Xbox One as well?? *gasp*

Fact... I love and play my Vita more than my 3DS.. In most regards, I find the 3DS to be the inferior handheld in terms of graphical prowess and functionality. I guess the main issues everyone has with the Vita is Sony pretending like it is a ghost AND that Sony decided to utilize stupid expensive proprietary storage

Guess I should have waited to buy FFXV.. but I had it preordered a long time ago, and so it just recently showed up in my mailbox..

oh please.. as if CNN (Clinton News Network) is a reliable unbiased news network.. it isn’t..

I think they have to set their horizons on more than just selling emotes and sterling treasures.. Quite honestly, I only ever used possibly 800 silver in total since its inception. I don’t see how a few purchases for emotes will help pay for their development time and costs in the long run. Maybe if they started

I just want Microsoft to give us more than just 5 minutes of recording at a time on Xbox One.. And the ability to copy video clips straight to USB sticks.. All things PS4 can already do.

Ever since the swords were released for Destiny, I have since resorted to always equipping any of my swords when I attempt a jumping puzzle. I can do it first person as well, but 3rd person just feels more natural when you’re doing a lot of platforming and jumps that involve a pit of death below you.

Well, thats good to know then. I hope to see Nintendo around for a long while yet. I just want to see them give Sony and Microsoft a real run for their money. Nintendo needs to bring something powerful and somewhat innovative to the market that is going to wow the audience. I honestly haven’t been too impressed with

Is the same fate going to befall Nintendo, like it happened with Sega? If this NX bombs like the Wii U and is even more gimmicky (just give us a standard REAL controller! No more tablets and addon peripherals, ie. Nunchuck etc..)... Then I fear Nintendo’s home console business days are surely number. Handheld gaming

I’ve been meaning to pick this game up. Question is this.. Should I get it for the PS4 or PS Vita? Are there any discernible differences between the two versions? And is there cross-save? I do use my Vita quite a bit and feel a game like this would be more fun on the go (just as Pokemon is for 3DS), rather than

I’ve seen that website before. It is really well done. Kudos to the translators and webdesigner for putting it all together like that :-)