
Is there official Xbox controller support for this game?

That sounds like a lot of work in order to play the definitive PS3 version of ToV. I play the JP version of ToV on my homebrew PS3 with a fan translation patched English version. Soo much easier. Took the fan group many years to complete, but they got er done. Bless their hearts. Google it if you wish.

Would be nice if we could still some day expect a “Party chat” feature on the PS3.. That would be nice.

No Wife here.. so not a problem :-)

Still no external HDD support for games/dlc... Sad sad..

Well, time to turn my Playstation 4 “on” in the meantime.. Got a couple of games I’ve been putting off for some time on Sony’s console.. I’ll see you again soon Xbox.. soon..

Even tho I own a PS4.. I don’t see myself buying SFV anytime soon, if ever. Capcom imposes censorship for minor little things like camera angles and then the game still has ridiculous breast physics.. Where are their priorities? Not that I’m for censorship, I’m quite against it. Either they censor all suggestive

I’m picking Persona 5 and looking at the vote results, more people will be doing the same. At least Persona 5 will be more diverse in its party member casting. Whereas FFXV is a bromance all the way it seems (sorry, I just had to throw that in there..). I’ll probably still pickup FFXV at some point in time, but

I don’t get where we are headed these days... Sexuality and bouncing body parts (gravity assisted) are becoming more and more taboo.. (might as well throw on a full robe to cover up.. ala Niqab), but extreme gore and violence is okay for our gaming audience? Also, having a porn industry is okay too? There is a reason

It’s really too bad that her character will eventually have to die.. But honestly, I think this premise of her having cancer was setup on purpose.. Why?? Probably because Marvel doesn’t want to keep her as Thor indefinitely. So yeah.. She will die and then Mjiolnir will go back to Odinson again. Still, sucks to see a

Still waiting on external USB HDD support.. >_>

Problem is that people pre-order for the “pre-order bonuses”... Like PS4 themes, extra levels, skins, weapons, etc... Sad sad sad..

I wouldn’t go as far as dismantling all old Year 1 weapons.. Especially not if you’re a Crucible player. The guns we have now will still at least be relevant for Crucible game types without level advantages. As for PvE, well we’ll need to amass new weapons & gear. Tho I wonder.. Weapons that we acquired from PoE and

Why not include or change one of the male characters to a trans woman?

Nintendo needs to scrap the current sluggish Wii U interface for the operating system and start over.. Considering that the hardware specs are supposed to be superior to both PS3 and Xbox 360.. I’m disappointed at how slow navigating the menus is in the Wii U. I know they sped it up a bit.. But just trying to access