E3Xer0...because racecar

How dense must the M2 be?


I agree, theyre supposed to be fun, action filled summer blockbusters. Just let loose and have fun.

headline shows that the authors inner child is clearly dead. or had a really crappy child hood. Why do people insist these have to be screenplay of the year nominees. Its transforming GIANT robots blowing shit up. I’m more than happy to pay to go see this and forget about a world outside that is considering voting

Is Bumblebee actually anyone’s favorite when Optimus Prime gives all those adrenaline pumping, war-weary speeches?

So you’ve done jack and/or shit, huh?

I’d rather just buy 10-15 acres and stick a garage with some lifts and a small office space on it. My wife wants the extra land, I need a place to go when she finds how much my turbo kit cost me... Win win?

i was going to refute your poor opinion with the clever use of meme but i found a better option

“Hot gerbils looking for lobster in your area”

Disclaimer: No brain cells were harmed in this video

Great flip. Excellent flexibility. Good poise. Shame he didn’t stick the landing.

Z32 memes exist for a reason. They are fantastic, albeit overweight for the size, right up until they break. Saying that the VG30 was slightly overcomplicated is like saying the Subaru FB engines had a slight problem with oil consumption.

goats are like mushrooms; if you shoot a duck I’m scared of toasters.

Let’s all go to his house, touch his truck, take a picture of it, then send it to him while he's in jail! It'll be hilarious!

I don’t have any punny jokes: He assaulted and killed this man in front of his granddaughters. For touching (“touching”) a piece of metal.

I think the first gen Neon was the pinnacle of Chrysler’s small car development over the past 30-40 years. That’s not exactly a high bar, but it wasn’t terrible. I put 20k miles on a 99 Neon company car in a year. For cheap basic transportation there was nothing wrong with that car that a manual transmission wouldn’t

Reality: slightly taller very overweight people that “need more room. I’m a big guy.”