Hookers and models are not the same thing.
Hookers and models are not the same thing.
Well... I think there is one, and only one, way in which that sentence could be true, albeit extremely poorly phrased.
i’d honestly consider drinking from those cups before having a budweiser.
I don't want TV, I want a decent internet stream.
They want to see how much their ticket revenue is decreased. If the signs are too clear, people won't tend to park illegally and their revenue from tickets will be drastically cut.
Drive with the D, hoping to impress to get some V.
I don't think drag racers should be brought into this discussion as the physical demands are a fraction of F1.
If you need evidence go look at your average pro NHRA driver.
My dong has been driving my very existence since puberty.
I don't consider natural causes to be an essential condition.
You don't drive with your dong.
The fifth round of the Women's Formula 1 World Championship in Riyadh was cancelled. The promoters cited "local issues."
I believe it is a business owners' right to refuse service and to do business as they see fit.
I really dont see the resemblence with the Accord coupe you posted.
Seems like redesign to give it 2 rear wheels with extremely narrow track (like Isetta) would be cheaper than legal battles.
Sure, because, as we all know, the US always adopts sensible rules from other countries doesn't it. Although, I am sure in your mind that the US rules are always better and all other countries should just adopt those and shut the heck up.
He punched the guy who brought him cold cuts. What do you think he'd do to the guy who reported him?
That's the wrong black label. You want the Jalopnik, Breakfast Scotch, Black label.
(I think you mean a venn diagram, not a pie chart)