
33 mpg with an empty car, and no passengers, doing 55 mph. Not fully loaded with cargo and 4 people doing 110 mph.

But not, I strongly suspect, while doing 110 mph.

Too bad we can’t buy a $20K version in the US that uses an EPA- approved Ecoboost 1.0L.

This is all so strange. I don’t think this is talking about the Swatch brand (i.e. colorful cheap watches) but the Swatch Group, a Swiss conglomerate that owns several watch brands (including Swatch, but also including Hamilton, Tissot, Omega, and others) and the ubiquitous ETA watch movement company. ETA movements

Seriously? The only people who fear police are paranoid people with something to hide?

What if you fear your police department as well?

If the other party brought a scary looking armed guy along for my Craigslist deal I would be very worried. How can I be sure that guy is from a trusted 3rd party security company and not there to rob me? I am gonna want to hire my own goons. Next thing you know every craigslist transaction is gonna involve 12 guys in

If a car in front of you does a panic stop, why the hell would somebody’s reaction to be to go around them?

Would love to see that gratitude when said police severe your spine when you didn't do anything illegal.

Yeah... just normal american cops going on to do their work...

Yes, DeBeers artificially limits supply. This is further complicated by the fact that Russia said it would release the massive supply of diamonds it discovered in the 80s that had previously been kept secret due a deal with DeBeers.

Those machine made diamonds look better abd better everyday.

isn’t there a glut of diamonds, it’s just DeBeers keep the value artificially high. Also, since you can pretty much create artificial diamonds in a lab is all of this blasting really necessary?

This has been reported before, but I thought it had been discredited. I mean, the regime is pretty nasty by any standard, but haven’t the most bizarre rumors been shown to be lacking any credible evidence? Let’s not forget that just a few months ago Kim Jong Un had fed his uncle to dogs and then been the victim of a

“They were all executed as well by various horrible means.”

On he whole, I think t does a decent job. Especially when you go lower down, I love the people who serve.

This efficiency at soaking up tax dollars also means there’s apparently little left for education, health, welfare, and domestic infrastructure. By starving these areas of the economy of resources, those in power can ensure the perpetuation of a stupid, scared, sick populace who can be easily manipulated, intimidated

I’m not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, it would be nice to have video whenever an encounter becomes violent. On the other hand, peaceful, law-abiding citizens will now also be videotaped by the government from time to time. Worth the price? Hard to say.

The head also needs to rotate at random intervals.